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She sat opposite some of her friends she'd trained with. She had only been away from him for a few hours yet  all she could think about was him. "You've wanted to do something different for ages..."

"And you've always said you would never let a man hold you back,"

She nodded, "I know... I know... I need to do this. I need a challenge... I just, I don't know how to tell him."

"I thought you said the two of you were just a bit of fun," her friend Katie grinned, nudging Connie as she rolled her eyes, 

"He's a bit of fun that never goes home," she smiled, "He's been here everyday for three weeks... I feel like I've let it go too far."

"When did you find out you had the job?"

"This morning," she admitted, "I just couldn't tell him right away."

She placed her hands on his chest as she sat on the kitchen worktop, he stood between her legs, his hands on her thighs. "I need to talk to you," she admitted, leaning forward and kissing his temple softly.

"We don't do deep and meaningful remember, you've told me that,@" he smiled, pressing his lips against her neck, as he trailed his fingertips across her bare shoulder, watching how she shivered,

She smiled, "I've been offered another job."

"Right," he uttered, "Where."

"That's the thing," she spoke quietly, "It's erm... well it's as part of the RAF... a medical officer."

He nodded, knowing what was coming next, "It's in Afghanistan isn't it?"

She trailed her hand down his neck, watching as he took her hand in his, "You need a new challenge, I know that... congratulations," he smiled, squeezing her hand.

"I can't turn something like this down, I'll be working in the air ambulance, it's the job of a lifetime," she spoke quietly. "I just..." She shrugged, not really knowing what she wanted to say to him, 

He kissed her lips softly, "When did you find out?"

"Yesterday morning,"

He kissed her temple, his lips resting against her skin as he took in what she had just said. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, "We've gone past sex haven't we," he admitted kindly, stroking her hair and trailing his hand down her back.

She nodded, "I leave in a week," she whispered, feeling him tense up beneath her.

"A week, blimey, best make the most of these next few days then," he  uttered, lifting her up and  carrying her up the stairs, 

"I better make the most of you," she whispered as she nipped his ear. She found herself wishing she'd found him earlier, or never found him at all.

Holby in AfghanistanWhere stories live. Discover now