All okay

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Thank you so much for you lovely people who read this, and even more thanks for those of you leaving such lovely comments. This part is for all of you :) love kendal Rose xx

She sat at the bedside next to Jade a few days later. She had woken up that morning, and immediately seemed like she was almost back to her old self. Connie breathed a sigh of relief, before squeezing her friends hand and walking outside into the cool air. She smiled as she looked at a picture of her and jacob she had as her phone background, she sighed she'd missed him more than ever over the last few days.

"Hi sweet cheeks," he smiled as she answered his call, "I wanted to see how you are, how's Jade doing?"

"She awake, but not particularly happy she has to non weight bear on that leg for at least four weeks," she replied, sitting onto the bench by the fire where a few of the other soldiers sat quietly,

"And how are you?"

"Okay I guess,"

"Connie, I know you remember, tell me how you're really feeling?"

She shrugged, "guilty, I've worked far less than I usually do since jades been unwell, Cams fine about it... He said he didn't like the thought of her recovering alone either... But I still feel guilty... I don't like feeling like I've been pulling my weight,"

Jacob smiled, "sweetheart listen to me... You saved jades life by finding her, and in theatre... No one would ever think you're not pulling your weight,"

"It sounds stupid but it's been lonely without her here,"

"Oh babe," he sighed, leaning his head back against his headboard and sighing, "I wish I could wrap my arms around you and try to make you feel better,"

She inhaled, trying to stop the tears from last weeks stress from falling,

"I wish you could too... Id give anything to be back in your arms now."

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