Can't get enough of you

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He woke up before her and found there was no way he was getting back to sleep. "We've got to stock up the aircraft, don't suppose you want to give us a hand and we'll give you a tour?" Cam asked Jacob as he walked past his tent.

"Shall I wake Connie?"

Cam shook his head, "No, no, let her sleep, I daresay she wouldn't have got much last night... I tell you something... that woman of yours is really something else. Not only is she strong as an ox, she's hardworking and her surgical skills are excellent."

Jacob smiled fondly,  "You don't have to tell me, I used to love working with her back in Holby... She managed to find a solution to almost everything,"

"I'm just wondering why you let her go?" Cam asked the nurse stood before him, he could see immediately how  much he cared for Connie, and due to this he had accepted him straight away. 

Jacob shrugged, picking up various equipment and supplies, "You have to let her do what she wants. It's either that or I'd have lost her. Nobody tells Connie what to do."

Cam nodded, opening the large ramp to the aircraft, "You've got that right."

Jacob entered her room to see her laying on the bed on her stomach in black French knickers and his white shirt. She looked up from her journal and smiled, watching him as he sat next to her, leaning down to kiss her. He trailed his hand up her thigh before resting it on her bum and slipping it up his shirt she was wearing onto the small of her back. "Where have you been?" She smiled, placing her journal on the bed and bending her knees so her feet were in the air. "Helping restock that magnificent aircraft and getting a very detailed tour from your boss."

She nodded, "Impressive isn't it?"

He slipped his hand down the back of her knickers, his fingers slipping down the sides as she rolled onto her back, "It certainly is."

He leant over her, watching as the shirt fell open revealing her bare breasts, "Do you have any idea what you do to me?" He asked, his mouth drawn into a smile as she propped herself up on her elbows and rested her head on her shoulder, "what you do to me I  imagine," her laugh turned  into a moan as his roaming mouth found her right nipple.

"I can't get enough of you," he admitted openly, his left hand running across her left breast.

"You think I can't see that," she breathed heavily as his hot, hungry mouth moved softly across her warm skin.

He smiled, pulling he as close to him as he could, "I've been dreaming about this... With you," he uttered inbetween kisses, "although I must admit, the reality is so much better."

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