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"Heyyyyyy," Jade yelled from

The computer screen as Jacob sat down beside Connie,

"We miss you," Jacob smiled as he kissed Connie's cheek,

"Stand up, I want to see your bump,"

Connie did as she was asked and pulled up her top, smiling as Cam and Mike appeared,

"Woah Connie, I bet you really waddle now," Mike teased as Connie rolled her eyes,

"She does," Jacob laughed, getting a strong punch from Connie as Jade laughed.

After another half an hour they said there goodbyes and Connie curled up with Jacob on the sofa,

"What's the matter sweet cheeks?"

She shrugged, "I guess I just want this baby out now," she smiled, "I feel fat and pregnant, and I can't even lie as close to you I would like,"

He ran down the hall way, sprinting up the stairs and into the room where Connie lay. Her face was flushed, her hair in a low bun and she smiled upon seeing him,

"I thought you were going to miss it," she smiled, holding tightly into his hand as she pushed again,

"One more push, that's it," the midwife encouraged as Connie pushed before collapsing back onto the bed,

"Would you like to hold your daughter?"

Connie looked up at Jacob and smiled, "please,"

"You were right," as smiled at him, watching as he looked in complete shock.

He sat down next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and leaning across unable to take his eyes off his little girl.

She woke a few hours later to see her daughter was sleeping soundly, as was Jacob. She showered and sorted out her hair, before sitting on the edge of the bed and just watching her daughter sleep.

The next day bought plenty of visitors, all asking about names and all recieving the same vague response.

"What do you want to call her sweet cheeks?" He asked as she cuddled up to him on the bed,

She shrugged, "I like the name Jade," she smiled as she ran her fingertips gently across his cheek, "although we will never hear the end of it,"

"Jade Beauchamp... I like it,"

She ran her thumb across his mouth gently, "I'm not calling our daughter my ex husbands name," she uttered, "Jade masters sounds so much better,"

He kissed her softly his eyes meeting hers, "thank you," he uttered quietly, his eyes filling with tears for a reason he wasn't quite sure of,

"I heard someone has had a beautiful girl," a familiar voice grinned,

"Hi Con, hi jacob,"

"Speak of the devil," Jacob laughed as Jade pulled them both into a hug,

"What are you doing here?" Connie smiled, laughing as Jacob got up and sat on the seat beside the bed, allowing Jade to jump up next to Connie,

"We were due some time off, and who better to see than my favourite medics,"


"Rumor has it you won't waddle anymore,"

Connie laughed as Mike and Cam appeared, "oh I'm so happy to see you,"

Jade smiled as Jacob handed their daughter over, "what's her name?"

"Jade Masters," Jacob winked,

"No way..."

"Well after you helped me through most of the pregnancy, it was only fair,"

Jade grinned, "she's so beautiful,"

"Like I said, you're a lucky man Jacob Masters," Mike smiled as he too sat up on the bed next to Connie.

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