Reluctant goodbyes

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"You're very quiet sweet cheeks," he uttered as she stood leaning against his chest, 

"I don't want you to go," she admitted quietly as he took her hands in his.

"You think I want to go?" He asked, brushing her hair from her face. "You never know, I might be out here soon."

"You're really thinking about it?" She asked, her smile appearing back on her tanned, freckled face.

"Yes," he said simply, "I'm thinking about it."

"Jacob mate..." Cam called, "Two minutes."

"Come here," he smiled, holding her gently, his lips finding hers as they kissed with what seemed like desperation. "I have to go Con... "

She nodded, kissing him once before he hugged her again, "I love you," she whispered against his shoulder, still not comfortable with saying the words.

He cupped her face in his hands, "I love you," he spoke quietly, his eyes connecting with hers. "I have to go... I'll speak to you soon okay?"

"okay," she nodded, kissing him once more and watching as he got into the 4x4 with Cam.

She smiled as she found he'd left her a pile of gifts on top of a hand written note. He'd left her various shampoo's, conditioners, a small bottle of his aftershave, shower gel, sponges, face wipes and various other what she now regarded as luxuries. He'd also left a photograph of the two of them in a frame that she'd remembered him taking of them before she left. 

"I've loved being here with you. I'm going to miss you so much after spending every minute of the last week in your company.

You fit in so well out here. This is your type of medicine I can see that. I can see how much you love making such a difference. And you do. If it's possible I think your surgical skills have got even better.

I'm going home knowing your happy, and I'm so glad you are.

I'll miss you. I'll miss this place. Most of all I'll miss having you curled up in my arms.

I love you Connie.

Yours, Jacob xx"

She wiped the few tears that had trickled down her cheeks away and shook her head, "Men," she laughed as Jade came and sat next to her.

"It makes it hard to be away the few days after they leave doesn't it?" She said knowingly.

Connie nodded, "It does."

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