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He leapt up as he heard a voice hissing his name in the darkness, "Connie," he whispered,confused by all the movement outside in the darkness.

"Don't turn on your light," she uttered uttered quietly, "Get some dark clothes on and meet me outside the front of the hospital as soon as you can,"

She was surprised as he suddenly appeared beside her, "That was quick," she smiled, "Come with me,"

"What's going on?" Jacob asked Cam as a handful of medics stood dressed in dark clothes and scarves waited for him and Connie,

"We've had some supplies delivered," Cam spoke quietly, "We need to go and pick them up... the best way of doing that undetected is at night,"

Jacob got in beside Connie, sitting with his back against the trailer, "Why can't the supplies get delivered here?" He asked, helping her pull the tarpaulin over the four of them sat in the back,

"They'd never make it here without locals descending on them," Connie answered quietly as she crouched down next to him, "Try and get some sleep, it's at least an hours journey,"

He found he couldn't fall asleep. Funny really, he could always fall asleep anywhere without any persuasion. But sat crouched in the back of an SUV, covered with dark tarpaulin and not being able to see where he was going meant he wasn't going to get any sleep if he tried. Connie's head lulled against his shoulder as she slept, her tanned legs stretched out in front of her. The other two medics, he had not yet had chance to properly speak too, also fast asleep.

The SUV came to a halt and Cam jogged round, pulling up the tarpaulin, nodding at Kavinda who opened the back of his SUV,

"Any sign of trouble and you get out okay, take two boxes maximum at a time, be quick,"

Connie placed her hand gently on Jacobs arm, "Follow me,"

He ran behind her, surprised as a local nodded at them and opened a garage door, dozens of boxes placed carefully inside. When the final box was lifted Connie stopped and handed the young man who'd opened the garage a bottle of water, "Thank you," she smiled, before nodding as her and Jacob and back towards their vehicles.

"You okay?" she asked as she caught him rubbing his shoulder,

"Yes, just caught my shoulder on something sharp,"

She knelt over and pulled a dressing from her bag, placing it on his arm, "I'll have a look when we reach base, it looks deep,"

He was vaguely aware of his head jostling against the back of the seat, however he was half asleep, his head filled with random dreams. Before he knew it, they were back to the base and acted quickly, putting away the supplies.

Holby in AfghanistanWhere stories live. Discover now