Goodbyes Part 1

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They sat on the large hill overlooking Holby. The twinkling lights and lights from the cars in the distance were the only things that reminded them that right now there were actually other people in the world.

Jacob took her hand and squeezed it softly, "Promise me something," he begun, watching the way her eyes flickered across his face.

"Go on," she nodded, standing up and coming to sit next to him, leaning against him.

"Two things actually. One that you'll be safe... no heroics, let them bring the casualty to you... and second, that you won't forget me, or these last couple of months."

She looked up at him, running her fingertips across his strong chin as her eyes searched his, "I promise, and forget you? I couldn't forget you if I tried," she smiled, kissing him softly, smiling against his lips as he deepened the kiss.

"How about we work up an appetite before we eat all this food?" He asked, slipping her hands underneath her top and lying backwards beneath her.

"I'm game if you are," she laughed lightly, wriggling out of her cardigan and black dress.

She sat on her suitcase before zipping it up, much to the amusement of Jacob who lay in her bed, laughing as he watched her. "You know, you won't wear half of that stuff."

"I will," she protested, "Don't start."

He laughed, "Come here,"

She rolled her eyes, walking over to him and leaning over where he lay, kissing his lips softly.

"Mmm, you're going to need to find somewhere else to stay now I'm going," she laughed, "You may actually have to go home once in a while."

"Home's overrated," he smiled, "When do you want to leave?"

She kissed him again, "When I'm dressed?"

"If I had my way you'd never wear clothes again," he uttered, rolling onto his back and looking up at her ceiling.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" She smiled, butterflies emerging in her stomach as she realised she really was leaving Holby for the foreseeable future.

As they stopped at traffic lights she placed her hand on his thigh, squeezing it softly and leaning over kissing him on the cheek. She didn't want to tell him how much she'd miss him and how much she wanted him to wait for her. She couldn't admit that she was falling for him and she didn't want any other man.

As the lights turned green he winked at her, pulling into the airport. He walked around to the back of the car, pulling out her suitcase and placing it on the tarmac. "You sure you want to do this?" He smiled, "We can turn around, find a hotel and spend a dirty weekend in bed together if you like.

She laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. His fingers entwined in her hair, holding her close to him, "I'll miss you," he admitted for the first time, "I don't know what I'm going to do without you here."

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