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She sensed something wasn't right when  Jade wasn't at breakfast the following morning,

"Where's Jade?

She asked Cam, "Shes usually the first one up,"

"Went to collect the water,"

"She's still usually in here first," She commented, "I'll go and see where she is,"

"I'll come with you," Cam nodded,

Connie and Cam jogged the 1/2 mile to the front of the compound, "Jade?" She yelled, her heart in her mouth,

"Connie," she heard, turning quickly to see her pressed up against the wall of the compound, her t-shirt wrapped around her leg, covered in blood,

"Jesus Christ," she uttered, shouting at Cam to get a stretcher and some more medics,

She crouched down beside her removing her t-shirt and wrapping it tightly again around her leg, "You've lost a lot of blood," she told her, squeezing her hand gently, "What happened?"

"They shot me," she uttered, her breathing shallow as she struggled to inhale deeply,

She knelt down beside her, taking her hands in hers and squeezed them, "Don't speak okay, just look at me, you need to take some deep breaths or you'll pass out, take a deep breath in for me,"

Jade did as she asked,

"Concentrate on your breathing," she spoke calmly even though inside her heart was racing as she worried for her friend, 

"Okay Connie, what happened?" Cam  yelled, two soldiers behind him, helping Jade quickly onto the stretches, GSW causing a fracture to her tibia, possible fracture of her femur, the bullet's embedded deep into her leg, she's still conscious, but barely,"

"How long has she been out here?"

"Maybe half an hour?" Connie guessed, "Maybe an hour,"

The four of them held a corner each and jogged back to the hospital, "Anna's in theatre waiting, Connie I need you in here with me,"

"Of course,"

"Thank guys," Connie nodded at the two soldiers,

Two hours later Jade lay in a medically induced coma, ventilated for at least 24 hours, "I'll sit with her," Connie offered, "I don't like the thought of her sat here on her own,"

cam placed his hand on her shoulder, "She'll be okay,"

She nodded, tears running down her tired cheeks, "I hate this place sometimes,"

"Me too," he admitted, placing a cup of tea and some toast next to her, "Have this and try to get some sleep."

"I'm sorry," she told Cam a few days later, "I haven't been much help, but with Jade in..."

Cam shook his head, "I don't like the thought of her in there on her own either, I'm glad someone's with her,"

Holby in AfghanistanWhere stories live. Discover now