Declarations of love

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Happy Easter everyone! Hope you have a fun four day weekend plan and aren't stuck working like I am today!! This bit is rated 15 so skip this chapter if you don't like that kind of thing! Love kendal Rose xx

As the aircraft landed at the base and the casualties were all taken into the makeshift hospital, Cam gathered everyone around him. "Thank you to everyone here. You all made a big difference today and all worked fantastically. Considering the patient to staff ratio, there were no casualties, so a massive well done for that. Now dinner will be served in an hour, we've had a delivery of food at just the right time. I'll see you all then."

Connie slipped her hand into Jacob's as everyone nodded and dispersed, "Want to grab a shower before we eat?" She asked, "I feel disgusting."

"You don't look disgusting," he smiled, kissing her hair, "But yes, a shower sounds great."

He pressed her up against the wall of the shower, shivering as she wrapped her legs tightly around his back like she always did.

"Can we do this here?" He whispered into her ear as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders,

"As long as we're quiet," she smiled wickedly, rolling her hips towards him before kissing his mouth.

"Oh god," she hissed, her fingers scraping his back as he thrust slowly and deeply into her .

"Quiet remember," he teased her, thrusting into her again, surprised as she quickly rolled her hips to meet his thrust, "Connie," he uttered, the sound of his voice taken away by the running water.

She laughed against his lips before he kissed her strongly. He held her tightly as she moved above him. Her stamina always surprised him, she moved up and down rhythmically her hair cascading down her tanned back. He pulled her mouth back to his own as he moaned her name again. They came together and he placed her down on the floor, gently turning her around so her back was to his front. He kissed her neck as she leant back before lathering up the sponge with the shower gel he'd bought over. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the feel of his hands roaming across her body. She leant her head on his shoulder and kissed his lips gently, gasping into his mouth as he slipped one finger inside of her. She arched her back as he slipped another finger into her, his fingers working their magic. He caught her as as he knees bucked, turning her around to sit on the shower seat before kneeling in front of her. He leant up, kissing her lips before he whispered into her ear, "Do you trust me?"

She nodded, "Unconditionally,"

He kissed her again, "Open your legs,"

She did as he asked and inhaled sharply as his tongue delved into her moist center.

"Oh Jacob," she panted as he licked and swirled with his tongue, making her hips buck again as he pulled her closer still. He swallowed every drop of her release before pulling her down onto him, watching how she moved slowly above him once more. Simply watching her above him was enough and he too, shuddered with the after effects of their ltching her as she fell apart in his arms. She rested her head in his neck as she caught her breath.

He held her tightly too him, the water running down his back before it timed out and switched off. "Connie," he whispered, stroking her hair, watching as she lifted her head, a smile across her lips.

"Yes?" She asked, her fingertips running through his wet hair,

"I love you," he admitted, not caring that they were sat on the floor of a shower,

She pulled him to stand, her hands either side of his face. "Say that again," she smiled.

He kissed her softly, determined to remember this moment, "I love you," he smiled.

She rested her forehead against his, "Jacob Masters... I love you," she admitted, kissing him.

They walked back to her room in silence, her hand in his as they walked closely together.

Sitting down at the large dinner table she smiled up at him, kissing him once before helping herself to the hot food in the middle of the table. "He makes you happy, doesn't he?" Jade asked as Jacob got up to get them both a drink.

Connie nodded, unable to keep the smile from her face, "More than any other man ever has." 

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