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Connie sat with her feet up on a chair as she sat next to Cam. He placed his arm around her shoulders and she leaned into him,

"I didn't mean to get angry at him," she told him, "he just..." She sighed, "I'm not used to this,"

He nodded, "it's not just you anymore... You have Jacob... And a baby to look out for. Let everyone else do the dangerous stuff and you just keep saving lives,"

She nodded, "we made a good team today... Although my feet are killing from standing for so long,"

"I'll miss you super doc... I hope you and Jacob are so happy," He smiled, "I know you'll be wonderful..."

"Thank you," Connie told him quietly,

"I've loved being here... You're a great team lead and I've learned a lot about myself... As well as clinically,"

"I could say the same,"

Jacob smiled as he flicked on the kettle, "is she still mad I requested she didn't go to pick up supplies,"

Cam shook his head, "no. It's just a lot for her to get used too. She knows it's not just her anymore,"

"You're fond of her aren't you?" Jacob smiled, handing his boss a cup of tea,

Cam nodded, "she's as strong as an ox and one of... If not the best doctor I've worked with." He smiled, "this team has felt more like a team since you, Connie and jade arrived, I guess I'm worried we're going to lose that when you go,"

Jacob shook his head, "I doubt that very much,"

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