Time to go home

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"Welcome back Michael Spence," Connie smiled, gripping his hand in hers, "you had me worried there,"

"I only popped over for a burns consult and ended up like this," he smiled, "thanks for saving my life,"

"Anytime," she nodded,

"Have you told him yet?" He asked,

"Told him what?"

He smiled and squeezed her hand, "well I'm presuming the baby you asked me to be godfather for is Jacob's..."

"You heard that?" She uttered,


She sighed, "not yet, I'm scared.."

"Of what..."

"That I'll lose the baby... That we need to think about leaving here... That I'll finally live with a man again,"

Michael smiled, "you can do this, you'll make a great mum,"

"And you'll be godfather?"

He nodded, "I'll be honoured,"

Connie lay with her head on Jacobs lap, his fingers stroking her hair,

"I'm pregnant," she spoke quietly as Jacob raised his eyebrow,

"You are? When did you find out?"

"Before the interpreter opened fire," she admitted,

He smiled, running his finger tips across her face before pulling up her top gently,

"How far along are you?"

"About eleven weeks according to the test," she smiled as he ran his hands across the bottom of her stomach,"

"You're not showing at all..."

She smiled, "I'm sure I will be soon..."

"What are you thinking?" He asked as she fell quiet,

She sighed, "I've loved working here, but I want this baby... I think I need to go home,"

He nodded, "we can go home, how much notice period have we got?"

"Three months," she replied, "you don't have to leave just because I want too.."

He watching as she sat with her knees either side of his legs,

"I came out here to be with you," he smiled, "I don't want to be here without you."

"What's this?" Cam asked quietly, although he knew full well what she was about to do,

"I'm pregnant," she smiled, "and I want to go home... This place is incredible... But I'm not getting any younger and I need to be a good mum to this baby,"

"Have you told jade?" Cam asked, "or mike?"

"No," Connie uttered, sitting down beside him as her eyes teared,

Cam laughed lightly before wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "this place won't be the same without the two of you,"

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