Home time

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Jacob entered her tent to see her sat on the edge of the bed with her hands on her bump. She had finally packed her stuff up and she found she couldn't stop the tears from falling down her cheeks. "Hey sweetheart, don't be sad... Think of how much we have to look forward too,"

She nodded, allowing him to pull her into his chest, "this place is like home, I can't imagine not seeing Cam and Jade and Mike everyday," she sighed, "I'm being silly, it's the hormones,"

He kissed her head, "I meant it when I said I've got you... You don't have anything to worry about you know,"

She nodded, "I know..." She placed her hand on his chest, before looking up at him,

"You are the best thing to happen to me," she told him honestly, "I know you worry that you're not enough for me... But I need you to know you're more than enough,"

He kissed her mouth, "I look at you and I wonder how I got you... I worry that you'll suddenly wake up and wonder why you've been doing this with me,"

She pressed her nose lightly against his own, "I'm very much in this forever," she smiled, "I can't imagine my life without you... I won't imagine life without you... You need to start trusting me on that."

"Cam," Connie half laughed, half sobbed as her boss pulled her into a hug.

"Now, I know you'll both hate this... But I just wanted to take a moment to say good luck, we hope you enjoy your new arrival and we know you'll make the best parents. Connie... Jacob, we have loved having the two of you here, we will miss you both more than we can tell you. And we expect regular skype updates. You're welcome back anytime, you're the best colleagues and friends we could have had,"

"To Connie and jacob," everyone smiled.

A few hours later Cam nodded that it was time to leave. "Stop crying," Connie smiled at Jade, "you'll set me off again, we will speak soon I promise,"

Jade hugged her tightly, "I'm so sad you're leaving,"

"You make sure you hold onto her with both hands and tell her how much you love her everyday," Cam nodded at Jacob as he shook his hand,

Jacob nodded, "you have my word boss,"

She lifted the headrest and leaned against his chest, her legs tucked up beside her. "Hey," he smiled as she looked up at him sadly,

"I'm okay," she smiled, "despite how sad I feel, I'm looking forward to living in a proper house and starting a family with you,"

He kissed her mouth gently, "I love you connie,"

She closed her eyes and pulled the Blanket up around then, "I love you

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