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So here's the last part :) I aim to write a new fic soon, so would love it if you kept your eyes peeled. Here's hoping Jacob and Connie have a happy ending on Casualty!! Xx

He stood tall, wearing a suit that fit in all the right places. Michael and Cam smiled before squeezing his arm, "you're a good man, I couldn't think of anyone better for Connie," Michael nodded, "I agree with that," Cam smiled.

"Jade said Connie looks incredible," Mike whispered to Cam as Cam raised an eyebrow, and laughed, "you never stood a chance mate,"

Mike grinned, "a man can dream,"

Connie exhaled before she entered the church. She'd told herself after Michael she'd never do this again, but she couldn't help but smile at the thought of marrying Jacob.

"Ready?" Charlie asked as she nodded her head and slipped her arm through his,

Jade, Zoe and Anna a friend from Connie's university followed Connie down the aisle.

Jacob couldn't help but smile as she stood before him and took her hands in his own.

"You look... Jesus," he uttered, unable to keep the tears from his eyes.

"No tears," she whispered, "Zoe will kill me if I ruin this makeup,"

Charlie smiled, "she's yours now, look after her," he nodded as he shook Jacob's hand before kissing Connie's cheek,

Connie wore a backless dress with lace that covered her chest and small capped sleeves. The silk of her dress skimmed her slender waist down to the floor. She wore natural make up with dark lashes, her hair clipped up with curly strands framing her face.

"I had really good vows planned," he smiled, squeezing her hands, "but looking at you like this has made me forget everything..." She smiled, "don't tell me you're nervous Mr. Masters,"

She laughed as everyone watching them laughed at them,

"You were nothing less than a dream to me," he told her gently, "I loved you from the moment I saw you, and fall more in love with you each day. I love falling asleep with you, I love waking up to you when your hair is tousled and your eyes are sleepy, I love kissing you goodbye as you run out the door in the morning. more than anything I love the way you fall into my arms after a long day." He ran his fingertips over her face, "I can't believe you've agreed to be my wife... You are the best mother and lover and friend i could ever want, and I promise to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you make me. I love you Connie... I love you and our daughter forever,"

She inhaled deeply and smiled, "Jacob masters you are the only person I ever want to spend the rest of my life with... You're kind, and funny and make me feel like I'm the only person in the world... I couldn't ask for a better father to our daughter... I couldn't ask for a better person to call my soul mate." She ran her hand under his eyes, "you're incredible... I'm so happy me and Jade get to spend the rest of our lives with you,"

The church went into a round of applause as Jacob slipped the ring onto her finger, before smiling as he pulled her into him and kissed her in a way she was sure she'd never been kissed before.

"I love you more than I could tell you," he whispered as they walked down the aisle together,

"I love you," she told him gently, not needing to elaborate. She did, she loved him more than she'd ever loved anyone in her life.

Surrounded by their friends and family they had the best day they could have wished for. She danced with him slowly, his eyes never leaving her own, "is this some sort of mad dream?" He asked as she pressed soft kisses to his neck,

"No," she smiled kindly, "if it is, then were both living it,"

"You're the most amazing woman I've ever known," he told her,

"You're going soft," she smiled as he pulled her closer to him,

"One of us has to be," he laughed, smiling as Charlie bought a sleepy Jade over to them.

"What do you think baby?" Connie smiled as the three of them danced as everyone joined them on the dance floor, "I think we're pretty lucky to have him don't you?"

Jade snuggled into her mother and Jacob smiled, "the three of us against the world,"

She smiled, kissing him once, "not three... four..."

"Four?" He uttered and she nodded,


"Pregnant... Yes," she smiled, "twelve weeks... Luckily this dress still fitted,"

The smile on his handsome face grew as he kissed her deeply,

"You've just made me the happiest man alive," he smiled, "I am so in love with you Mrs . Masters,"

She smiled, "We love you Mr. Masters."

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