Some time alone

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"Hey, we will see you again soon," Cam smiled, "it's been great seeing you, you're both just as wonderful as I remember,"

"Hey you, keep your hands off my woman," Jacob smiled,

He watched as Connie hugged Mike and Jade in turn, "I'll miss you so much Con," Jade smiled, handing their daughter back to Jacob gently,

Once their guests had left, Connie went into the kitchen and leaned against the counter, exhaling forcefully.

She leaned back against Jacob as he wrapped his arms around her firmly, "just you, me and our daughter sweet cheeks... Think you can handle that?"

"Oh I can think of worse people to spend my life with," she smiled,

"Afghan seems so long ago doesn't it," he uttered knowingly, "don't worry, we will see them when we can,"

"It was nice having them here," she admitted... But it'll be nice to have the two of you to myself,"

He came through the door to a quiet house and felt somewhat confused. He went into the kitchen to see Connie dressed in a strapless maxi dress, her hair curled over her shoulders.

"Wow, you look incredible," he smiled, slipping a hand around her waist and pulling her closer to him.

She placed a hand on his chest and kissed him once, before leading him through to the living room where she'd lit candles and Thai food lay across the table.

"What's this in aid of?" He smiled, clinking his wine glass against her own before leaning over and kissing her again,

"Your mum offered to take Jade and I thought it was about time I gave my favourite man some attention,"

As soon as they finished eating he pulled her over so she sat on his lap. "I've neglected you, and I'm sorry," she admitted, "we've never gone this long without having sex before... But I haven't really felt up to it..." She kissed his neck, feeling him shiver, "until now,"

"You don't need to explain, I can wait as long as you need... Infact I think it's been good for me,"

She ran her fingertips over his cheeks, "you've been so patient... Thank you..."

"You gave birth to our daughter Connie and you're up all hours... You don't need to thank me,"

"Well if you don't want what I'm offering..."

He laughed, "come on now I didn't say that."

He had been more gentle than he had ever been, but his passion and love for her had stolen her breathe,

"It's five o'clock in the morning," she smiled,

"We've still got it," he laughed, pulling her into him and kissing her lazily,

"It was worth the wait," he told her ten minutes later,

She curled into his chest, "you're the best dad I could ever want for my daughter," she told him, running her fingers underneath his eyes, "hey..."

He Smiled, "I can't even blame the hormones... But you make me feel like..." He shrugged, "I can't believe you chose to have a life with me,"

She kissed him softly, "it was easier than you'd think."

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