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I have someone to see you," Jade smiled, nudging Connie awake after their long few days. Connie stirred, adjusting her hair, and sitting up, "This better be good madam, I'm knackered." 

Jade laughed, "Oh he certainly looks good to me."

Connie stood, looking around and watching as Jade disappeared and a pair of arms wound around her waist. "Hi sweet cheeks," he whispered into her ear, laughing against her hair as she turned around and squealed upon sight of him. She hugged him tightly, breathing him in before pulling away and looking at him.

"Jacob... I can't believe you're here..." she whispered, placing her hand on his face.

He took her free hand in his, "How can I make you believe it?"

She smiled, leaning up and kissing his lips gently before increasing the pressure. "Will we be interrupted here?" He asked, running his fingers through her hair and kissing her again.

"As long as we don't need to respond to a call... no we won't," she breathed heavily, sounding as frantic as she felt.

"Hey," he smiled, lifting her top over head and kissing her neck,

She smiled, taking his top off him and kissing his chest, "Yes?"

"You're so unbelievably beautiful," he whispered into her ear, loving the way goosepimples spread across her skin.

"Even with no make up on and when I haven't had my hair cut in months?"

He pulled her too him, unclipping her bra and running his hands across her chest, "Yes... you are always beautiful."

"I'm so happy you're here," she admitted,

"I've missed you more than I can tell you connie," 

She stood before him in nothing but a pair of black pants,  her hair cascading down her back, her I hazel eyes sparkling, "you think you can show me how much you've missed me staff nurse masters?" She smiled, looking up at him, 

An hour later he lay behind her on his right side, his left arm around her waist, tracing invisible patterns onto her bare stomach with her finger tips. She smiled, unable to comprehend that he was here with her. She turned to face him, slipping her right arm underneath his left, rubbing her nose against his softly.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" She asked, slipping her cold toes in between his warm legs.

"Because I wanted to surprise you," he replied simply, wondering how one woman could so easily make him feel so many emotions.

She smiled, "You are a lovely surprise... how long are you here for?"

"Seven days... I appreciate you'll be working, but Cam said if I work when you are I can stay."

She continued Running her fingertips gently across his cheek, loving the way his hands ran up and down her back. "You were just what I needed after today," she admitted. "it's like being back in Holby and being able to take full advantage of my man."

He smiled, watching her as she rested her forehead in the space where his shoulders and neck met, "Sleep tight," he whispered, "I'll be here all night."

She kissed his skin once before allowing sleep to surround her and envelop her into its dark arms. For the first time in weeks she fell asleep immediately wrapped around the only man she'd ever felt this safe and warm with. 

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