Phone calls

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This is for you lovely people who read this, and those who replies. I feel a bit of out the swing of writing so your replies are always really lovely and encouraging to read so thank you :) love kendal Rose xx

By the time she'd finally unpacked and settled down she realised she hadn't called Jacob in the two days since she'd left and walked outside marvelling at how warm it still was. The air smelt of spices from the local market and she sat  on a makeshift bench, wrapping his jumper Around her shoulders.

"Jacob speaking," he yawned, making her smile as she woke him up.

"Hi  staff nurse masters," she smiled, "I just thought I'd let you know I'm here, and I'm safe."

"Connie?" He smiled, sitting up and running his fingers through his hair, "How are you? Yhis bed is terribly cold without you."

She laughed lightly, "I'm surprised you remember what your bed feels like... I'm okay, a bit tired actually. This aircraft is amazing Jacob, it's an ITU, Surgery and Ward all in one. The things that happen to these service people are horrendous."

"But it's a challenge? And your glad you went?" He probed, hoping she was okay out there.

"Yes it's a challenge, and yes, I'm glad I'm here," she smiled, "I just wish I could fall into your arms at the end of every day."

"Believe me, I wish that too," he replied, "Are your colleagues nice?"

She nodded, "Yes, they are actually. There's another woman here which is nice, she's a CT nurse... our boss is nice too. How are you? How are things in holby?"

He smiled, "everything is good here, no change really. Apart from us missing you. You know the thing I miss most is having you cuddled up to me at night... I can't quite get used to the fact you're so far away,"

"Listen, I'm knackered, I have to get some sleep before we go out again, we'll talk for longer next time okay?"

"Okay sweetheart, I miss you. Stay safe out there."

"I will," she replied, before sighing gently, "I really miss you too. "

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