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"Jade Mills, you're very quiet today," Cam nodded, sitting beside her as they finally got some time to eat,

"Connie told Mike and I today... You know that her and Jacob are leaving..."

She shrugged, "I'm happy for them, I am but..."

Cam nodded, "I know..."

"It's just she's so good in every situation... And sometimes she's just there and doesn't have to say anything and I feel better,"

"Hey, don't you disappear too," he smiled, nudging her gently.

"What's up Jade?" Jacob asked her later that evening,

Jade shrugged before hugging Jacob tightly, "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you... But I was so shocked you'll be leaving us I didn't even tell Connie how pleased I am for you both..."

She hugged him again, "I'm really going to miss the two of you,"

Jacob smiled, "come on, I'll say goodnight to her and I'll let you steal my girlfriend for the night,"

Jade laughed, "that sounds all kind of wrong, but thanks,"

"I have someone to take my place in bed beside you tonight," Jacob smiled, kissing Connie's lips once, before kissing her forehead. She sat up and hugged him, "have a good shift,"

He ran his thumb across her cheek, "I love you more than ever,"

Jade smiled, before jumping into bed beside Connie, placing her hand on her stomach as Connie smiled. There would be hardly anyone else who she would allow to do that, and the thought alone made her feel sad she was leaving her friend.

"I don't think I said congratulations earlier," Jade admitted, "I'm so so happy for you, I am... I'm just devastated the two of you are leaving us,"

Connie sighed, "I would have worked longer but after you know... What happened before, I can't take the risk,"

"I know, I'm so excited for you, you're going to be beautiful pregnant,"

"Well I'm not sure about that..."

"Move over," Mike smiled,

"I still can't believe you're leaving... Jacob Masters is a lucky man,"

Connie and Jade laughed as they all curled up together.

Jacob smiled as he finished his shift and popped his head into the tent to check on Connie. He took a picture of the three of them on his phone, before heading back into what was supposedly his tent, not that he ever really slept in there.

He smiled as he looked at the picture of Connie sleeping, he didn't know what he's done so right to deserve her.

"I better find Jacob," she smiled, kissing Mike and Jades forehead before climbing over them,

She slipped into bed beside him, leaning up onto one elbow and placing kisses against his skin,

He opened his eyes and smiled, pulling her too him and rolling over her.

"I missed you last night," she told him quietly,

"I can't remember the last time I slept in this bed," he smiled, running his hands underneath her top,

"It's like when we were in Holby, you never stayed in your own bed," 

"Not quite..." He smiled, "we can't have as much sex here as we did there,"

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