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He breathed a sigh of relief as she came back into the compound, before he pulled her into him and kissed her firmly before storming off,

"Right, let's get this man stabilised," she uttered, "he's going to loose both legs if were not careful,"

Jade nodded, following Connie and one of the vascular surgeons into theatre,

"How did you get on?" Cam asked,

"He's alive," Jade nodded, "we couldn't save the right leg... Transtibial amputation... Left leg appears intact,"

"We did the right thing going out to them," Mike nodded,

"Where's Jacob? He's angry isn't he?" Connie asked,

"Beating up a punch bag in the gym,"

"Right," Connie uttered,

"He cares about you Connie," Cam told her, "he loves you,"

She exhaled and shook her head, "he just..."

Cam smiled, "let him cool off..."

"My ex husband and ex boyfriend couldn't really care less," she admitted, "I'm not used to someone being so protective,"

Can squeezed her shoulder, before rolling his eyes, "go and grovel,"

She saw him enter the shower room and followed him. "Talk to me," she told him, pushing him against the wall of the bathroom whilst she waited for the shower water to heat up,

He slipped his hands under her top and pulled it up, before slipping her shorts down,

"I don't want to talk to you,"

"Fuck me then," she told him, "press me up against this wall and fuck me,"

He kissed her firmly, "I shouldn't do this now," he told her as she pressed herself against him, "I'm still mad with you,"

She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him roughly and making him groan,

He lifted her as she moved up and down on him quickly. He pressed her hard against the wall, becoming more turned on the faster she moved.

He held her hands up against the wall, kissing her mouth before her breasts,

She bit into his shoulder as he sped up, he became more and more consumed by her as she bit his ear, panting into his ear harshly.

"Fuck," he uttered, before he pulled her into him and tucked her hair behind her ears,

"It scares me how much I love you," he told her, "I wish sometimes you'd let somebody else take those risks... But you always have to be the first on scene..."

She sighed, "it's my job," she kissed his mouth, "but I'm sorry for making you mad,"

He ran his hands over her waist, "did I hurt you?"

"Nothing I can't handle," she admitted.

He kissed her, "I love you so much it scares me," he told her, "I'm not used to feeling like this,"

She smiled, "and you think I am?" She shrugged, "Michael and Sam and come to think of it... Every man I've ever been with has never cared or loved me the way you do... I'm not used to that,"

"Get used to it," he told her, wrapping her up in a towel and kissing her head, "because I'm never letting you go,"

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