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Jade handed Connie a glass of water, before sitting down on the floor beside her,

"Thanks," Connie uttered, catching the chewing gum Cam handed her and leaning back against the cool walls,

"It'll be worth it in the end," Jade nodded, linking her arms through Connie's as they sat in a comfortable silence,

"Feel this," Connie smiled, watching how Jade's eyes lit up as the baby kicked,

"Does it hurt?" Jade asked, fascinated,

"It's uncomfortable, but not really a pain," she replied, "I've been cursing Jacob every morning with the morning sickness, but it's a shame he doesn't get to experience this,"

"What am I going to do here with out you?" Jade asked, "you know you could stay here and have the baby, I'll look after her whenever you want,"

"Her?" Connie smiled, "you're as bad as Jacob, he's convinced this baby is a girl,"

"She's going to be so beautiful," Jade smiled, "great genes,"

Connie sighed, "I feel fat... And I wonder how on earth Jacob still fancies me like this,"

Jade rolled her eyes, "apart from the fact you're carrying his child... You're a hot pregnant woman, I mean look at your legs... And your boobs are huge... And your bloody arms are still as toned,"

Connie leaned against Jade, "what am I going to do without you," she admitted, "

Jade smiled, "I'll just have to get Cam to let me visit often,"

She entered the tent that night and pulled off her clothes. Jacob stirred , before standing up and pulling her into him. He smiled as her bump pressed firmly against his chest,

"You look so incredible pregnant," he told her, pressing kisses along her collar bones.

She looked up at him, before placing his hands on her bump, "you need your eyes testing, I feel huge,"

"Your boobs are huge," he smiled, kissing her chest softly,

"But you're slim and beautiful and carrying my baby... There's nothing more sexy than that,"

She pushed him against the bed, "you missed out horny," she uttered, straddling him as he laughed deeply and kissed her firmly.

"You do realise you have a waddle now," Mike grinned, nudging Jade as Cam rolled his eyes,

"I'm pregnant you moron," Connie through back,

"And you'd waddle if you suddenly had a child growing inside of you,"

"How many weeks are you now?" Jade asked, sitting next to Connie,

"Twenty seven weeks,"

"Over half way, your bump is still neat, you'd never know you were pregnant from the back,"

"Here," Connie smiled, placing jades hand on her stomach, "it's kicking a lot today,"

Jade grinned, beckoning Mike over.

Jacob kissed Connie's cheek gently and sat opposite her, "kicking again is she?"

"She?" Cam uttered,

"He's convinced this baby is a girl," Connie replied,

Jacob winked at her, "I'm sure of it.

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