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Hope you are all having a fab Easter break! I have a few hours left at work before I can finally go out and have a glass (or two!!) of wine. Can't wait to catch up on Casualty tomorrow!! 

"We're going to have to go out there to stabilise him properly," Connie commented as she heard the reports coming in via the radio waves, "he's got a possible spinal cord injury so I will not have him dragged across this ground by his colleagues,"

Cam sighed, "I'm not happy about this Connie," he uttered, looking at Jacob who was purposefully busying himself with checking equipment,

"I know it's dangerous but I'm with Connie on this one," Mike nodded, "if you can trust those soldiers to properly use a neck brace,  a spinal board and carry out a five man turn with a shoulder hold then fine... If not, we need to go out there,"

Cam nodded, "Okay,"

"You need to stay here and coordinate," Connie advised, "we've got this... Radio them, tell them not to move him,"

As five of them changed their clothes Jacob leaned back against the wall of the aircraft, before grabbing Connie's hand, she looked up at him, expecting him to  lecture her. Instead, He kissed her hard on the mouth, "don't be reckless," he nodded. "I promise," she smiled, kissing him once before he  let her go and join the other staff waiting to disembark the aircraft,

All the rest of the crew could do was watch as they moved quickly along the ground, stabilising the wounded soldiers spine before carrying him back onto the aircraft,

"He's barely conscious, with minimal respiratory output... We have no idea what level of spinal injury he is so I want him treated as a five man turn. No hip flexion above 30 degrees, no upper limb flexion above 90 degrees please and make sure someone is carrying out a shoulder hold whilst we ventilate... "

Cam stood beside Connie, "are you going to intubate?"

Connie exhaled, "do you think we should just Trache straight away? His airway is so swollen I think we will struggle to carry out a grade 4 intubation here,"

Cam nodded, "Trache it is..."

"Do you want to..." Connie begun watching as Cam shook his head, "You've got this Connie,"

She nodded, "I've got this... Will you call ahead and make sure the spinal team are ready for him... Tell them not to bother with an ASIA  classification he's too sedated for that,... They can put my name on the notes for the Uk trauma centres to moan at if they want,"

"What... You mean you don't want  to have a go at stabilising his spine as well," Cam laughed,

"Well, that's not quite my area of expertise and I know my limits," she smiled,

Two hours later once she'd managed to stabilise the injured soldier she finally stopped and washed her hands in the sink. She smiled as she felt strong arms wrapped around he waist,

"I think you're incredible," he whispered into her ear, "you are the most incredible woman I've ever known,"

"Will you take me to bed," she asked, looping her arms up around his neck and kissing him deeply,

"You want to sleep?" He asked, feeling himself harden as she pressed herself against him firmly,

"No, I want dirty, passionate sex with you," she smiled, laughing as he grabbed her hand and pulled her quickly towards their tent.

"Take off your clothes," she uttered, pushing him down so he sat on the bed and removed his underwear and jeans,

"Your hard already," she smirked, kneeling in front of him and gripping him firmly,

"You don't have too," he uttered, gasping as she slid her mouth around him, his hands gripping the sheets,

She moved up and down, her eyes connecting with his own, he couldn't help but roll his hips as he groaned, he'd never known any woman to be as seductive as she was.

As he just about managed to pull himself back together, she downed a glass of water before laughing as he caught her and picked her up so she sat on her desk, "this is payback," he smirked, "I'm going to make you scream."

They lay together in the early hours of the morning. "I can't remember the last time I spent all night like that," he whispered as he sat with his back against the wall. She leaned against his chest, her body tired and happy. His hands settled on her stomach and she closed her eyes, "let's hope we don't get called out until a bit later," she yawned, "I'm exhausted,"

"Thank you," she uttered, squeezing his hands, "for yesterday... I knew you weren't happy about me stabilising that man... But you didn't say anything,"

He shrugged, "this is your job, you do what you need to do... I know that..." He smiled and kissed her shoulder, "just know I'm aways here waiting..."

She shook her head, "it was an informed decision... I'm not reckless... Especially now I have you too come home too."

"You were right,"Cam told her at dinner the next evening, smiling as Jacob rolled his eyes fondly,

"When is she ever anything but right," Jade laughed,

"What does the scan show?" Connie asked,

"Think he's a T10 incomplete, we've weaned sedation to get an ASIA assessment done but I'm not sure how accurate it is. The spinal guys worked through the night... They said he'd be a much higher level if you hadn't gone out to him like you did,"

Cam smiled, placing his hand on Connie's shoulder, "well done super doc. He's on his way to the UK now,"

Holby in AfghanistanWhere stories live. Discover now