Race you

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"Are you coming to bed anytime soon?" He asked with a sigh,

She looked up at him, before standing up and kissing his mouth gently. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back,

"I told Cam id make sure these patients stay stable," she admitted,

"I can't remember the last time we spent proper time together," he told her,

She placed her hands on his chest, "I'm sorry,"

"You're not going off me then?"

She pulled him down to sit beside her on the old sofa, before curling into his chest,

"Of course not," she smiled, kissing him again before closing her eyes,

"Nudge me awake if anything happens," she smiled, as his hands ran through her hair softly,

"Go to sleep, I've got you," he whispered, holding her as close to him as he could,

"This is nice," she smiled against him,

"It would be even better if we were naked," he uttered, laughing as she rolled her eyes.

"Now remember, no veering off track, James is at the front and Mike at the back, they're not included in the race,  everyone else is... Women can start first if they need too,"  Harry, one of the soldiers teased. 

"We don't need to start first, we always beat you lot anyway," Connie retaliated as Jacob laughed, "you're with me," she smiled, "don't you dare go easy on me Masters,"

"Wouldn't dream of it," he laughed.

Cam rolled his eyes as Connie and Jacob came running into the compound before all of the soldiers.

"What race was it this time?" He uttered, watching as the team of soldiers all ran in behind them,

"10km," Joe, one of the intelligence officers laughed,

"They won... Again,"

Connie smiled, "time for breakfast,"

Jacob nodded, "join us next time Cam,"

"Someone has to keep watch here," he smiled good naturedly,

"Super doc strikes again," Alan smiled, "she beats us every bloody time,"

"Well we need to keep fit to help you lot when you're in trouble," she smiled,

"I'll join you next time," Jade nodded, "I used to give you pair a run for your money,"

"You haven't run since your injury," Connie told her knowingly, "maybe start with a gentle jog,"

Jade rolled her eyes, "it's all healed and gentle jogging is boring,"

Connie laughed before slipping her hands around Jacobs shoulders and kissing each of his cheeks once, "you're gorgeous," she whispered into his ear, before sitting down next to him and kissing his shoulder once.

"How about an early night tonight?" He asked her, squeezing her thigh gently,

"It's a date," she grinned, biting a piece of his toast before disappearing off to work.

"Like I said... Lucky lucky man," Mike grinned making Jacob and Jade both shove him firmly. 

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