Not so friendly fire

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It was strangely quiet in the camp that morning and Connie felt uneasy.

"You feel it too don't you," Jacob uttered, slipping his hands around her waist,

She turned in his arms and rested her head into his chest,

"Hey, I've got you," he told her, squeezing her gently,

"I know, and I'm glad," she smiled, resting her chin on his chest as he ran the back Of his fingertips across her cheek,

"You're so beautiful," he whispered into her ear, causing goosebumps to spread across her skin,

"Come on jacob," she smiled, "I need a haircut, I'm covered in dust, and my skin doesn't need anymore sun,,"

"You still look good," he smiled, kissing her, before jumping as a loud noise echoed through the camp,

They jumped as it happened again, "Connie, Jacob, come with me," Cam yelled above the noise. Jacob grabbed Connie's hand, "Where's Mike and jade?"

"Here," they both uttered, "what the hell is going on?"

"It sounds like gunfire," Cam uttered, radioing through, "we need to get somewhere safe..."

"I thought we were safe in here," Jade uttered,

"Follow me, run behind me, as quietly and quickly as you can please,"

The five of them ran closely behind Cam, surprised when he picked up two guns, handing one to Connie, "this way,"

They ended up crouching in an underground tunnel, watching as Cams radio kicked into life,

"What's happening?" Jade asked, sitting close to Connie while Jacob and Mike sat watching from the entrance,

"One of the interpreters starting shooting at our troops," Cam uttered,

"shouldn't we be out there helping them,"

"No," Cam replied firmly, "they'll radio us out when it's safe. Those soldiers know enough emergency aid until we get there,"

"Where's the rest of our team?" Connie asked,

"In a bunker similar to here,"

"Hey," Connie uttered, switching places with Mike,

He suddenly wrapped his arms tightly around her, "I love you,"

"Cam, I can see a wounded soldier running over here..."

Cam got up and flinched as another gun shot was heard. His radio spluttered and Cam nodded, "follow me..."

"Oh god," Jade uttered as she took in the sight around her, "where do we start,"

Cam stayed quiet and Connie looked at Mike,

"Okay, walking wounded are going to have to wait," Connie decided, "Jade you're with me, Jacob cover Mike... The others will be here soon,"

"Cam, I need your help..."

"Come on Michael, you will not die here..." Connie uttered as Jade tied his chest drain in place,

"I trust you connie, if you can't save me, no one can,"

She shook her head, "Stop it..."

"He's losing blood as fast as I can replace it," Connie yelled, running her blood stained hands through her hair, "Help me Cam, help him..."

Cam suddenly nodded and found the bleed, watching as she clipped it neatly and quickly,

"Thanks boss," she smiled.

"Great triage Jade," Connie nodded, "how many have we lost?" Mike asked as he leant heavily against the wall,

"One... Afghan security guard... He stood in front of Michael..." Cam uttered,

"Dan," Connie uttered sadly, "he has three children... He's been working here five years..."

Jade sighed, "this place is shit sometimes,"

"I'm not all that tired," Connie admitted, "I'll have a lay down in the staffroom and make sure everyone stays stable here,"

"I'll sit with Michael," Mike nodded.

Connie, Jade and Jacob sat together on the makeshift ward. Jade lay with her head on the nurses station as Connie leaned into Jacob, her free hand resting protectively on Jades back whilst she slept. "It's times like this when I'm so glad you're here with me..." She admitted,"I feel safer with you here,"

Holby in AfghanistanWhere stories live. Discover now