Jacob Masters are you jealous?

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She couldn't hide the smile that spread across her tired face as she saw the man that came out of theatre.

"Hi gorgeous," he grinned, pulling her into a tight hug as she hugged him back,

"Michael Spence what an earth are you doing here?"

"Burns patients," he replied, "they needed my expertise, I never thought I'd see you somewhere like this,"

She grinned, "come with me, there's someone I want you to meet,"

Jacob watched the two of them confused,

She kissed his cheek and smiled, "Jacob this is Michael Spence, we used to work together on Darwin,"

"Michael, this is Jacob Masters,"

Michael smiled, shaking Jacob's hand, "So you're the reason she won't fall into bed with me,"

Connie shook her head, "ignore him, it was a couple of times, and he wasn't anywhere near as good as you,"

Michael and Jacob couldn't help but laugh,

"I've bought beer, Cam said once surgery is over we can have the evening off,"

Jacob smiled, "I've just covered Jade's shift, her husband is here... I'll see you later,"

"Hey," Connie uttered as he turned to walk off,

Jacob smiled, before pulling her into him, "I love you, enjoy." She smiled leaning up and kissing his mouth,

"Have a good shift,"

Connie sat closely to Michael, opposite a happy Jade and her husband Adam.

They found they had years to catch up on and Connie hugged him tightly, "it's been great to see you," she smiled, "I'll see you at breakfast,"

"Jacob masters is a lucky man," he smiled, making jade and Adam laugh.

Connie undressed quietly before slipping into bed with Jacob. She smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and kissed her shoulder,

"You smell of beer," he laughed lightly, "I'm jealous,"

She turned in this arms and kissed his mouth gently,

"I love you," she spoke quietly, "I'm all to aware of how busy we've been and how I haven't told you that enough,"

He pulled her closer, "I love you too."

He woke to find Connie wasn't asleep next to him. He could hear laughter coming from the breakfast room and got dressed, surprised to see Connie, Michael and Jade on the floor holding a plank position with Cam timing them,

"Shame you didn't get up earlier, I reckon you'd have had a chance of beating them... Jade's just given up already,"

Jade laughed, standing up and standing by Jacob, cheering as Connie won.

"Morning," Connie smiled, kissing Jacob firmly, before nudging him, "looks like our gym sessions haven't been completely pointless,"

"Jacob, Jade... I need you on the ward," Mike yelled, before looking at Connie and Michael, "are you going on that run? If not, come and give me a hand,"

"Go for the run," Cam nodded, "we have enough staff to ensure we all do enough exercise,"

"He makes you happy doesn't he... I've never seen you so happy with someone,"

She nodded, "I suppose he does," she smiled.

"You do realise I haven't seen you properly in at least a week," Jacob told her as he sat beside her at lunch later in the day.

She leaned into his chest, and leaned into him.

"Your legs look good," he uttered against her temple,

"And you do realise you've seen more of Michael than me..." He nudged her,

"Jacob Masters are you jealous?"

"Hell no... I don't get jealous," he smiled,

She stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek, "tell me the truth,"

He pulled her down onto his lap, "okay, maybe a small amount..."

She rolled her eyes, "I knew it..."

"You know if you gave him a chance you'd like him,"

"It's not just him... I'm jealous of every man who touched or kissed you or had sex with you before you met me..."

He kissed her mouth, ignoring the wolf whistles from the soldiers as they came in for lunch,

Connie didn't move and instead smiled, "you don't need to be jealous Jacob... You're the only person I ever want to have sex with again,"

He kissed her, "fancy taking five?"

"Five?" She raised an eyebrow,

"Okay, ten..."

"Let's go,"

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