Ending it?

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"What's up Connie?" Jade asked at dinner after a hard day. "And don't say nothing, come share your troubles, I always seem to be sharing mine."

Connie smiled, "I haven't spoken to Jacob properly in a few days... stupid isn't it. I'm never like this over men. Ever... but I've got the feeling he's avoiding me... what if he's going off me. I mean I'm so far away I won't even be able to sort things out."

Jade shook her head, "Come on Con... he loves you... You can see that from how he looks at you..."

"He's just never normally so distant,"

"Maybe he's having a hard time of it or something... I'm sure everything will be fine."

"I'd like to introduce a new member of staff. Jacob Masters, most of you have met him before. He will be one of the lead nurses alongside Jade... now Connie doesn't know he's here. So we'll make it a surprise. Jacob I'lll show you to your room, you can dump your stuff and we'll meet everyone including Connie at breakfast."

Connie woke, ringing Jacob's phone as she got ready and shaking her head as she got no answer. She left a voicemail and pulled on her clothes before waiting for Jade and walking with her to breakfast.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" Someone asked her. Without looking up she agreed, unaware of everyone watching her. She felt a hand on her leg and turned to give him a piece of her mind before screaming and throwing her arms around his neck.

"Jacob," she laughed against his neck as he kissed her cheek gently, his hand at the back of her head, holding her to him. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm your new nurse," he admitted, watching as her smile spread across her face.

"Here?" She asked.

He nodded.

"But I thought.." She sighed, "I. thought you were going to end it."

"End it?" He shook his head, "Come on Connie, why would I want to end it. I only decided after our conversation last week and had everything to sort out." He kissed her lips, "Why would I want to end it with you? I must be mad."

She shrugged, "I just thought..."

He kissed her lips gently, "I want the opposite... I miss you and worry about you far too much to stay in England when you are out here."

She rolled her eyes, "Thanks for the surprise,"

He smiled, taking her hands in his softly, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

She laughed, nudging Jade, "Did you know about this?"

Jade smiled, "Only since yesterday...see I told you he's mad for you."

"Well I wouldn't go that far," He joked, winking at Connie before taking her hand  in his own. "You're such a beautiful sight to see after all that travelling," he whispered, 

"Behave," she smiled, "we have a whole day to get through before I can feel you again,"

He kissed her hand softly, "I've waited months, I can just about wait a few hours,"

She smiled, "I'm not sure if I can..."

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