You amaze me

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"You're all welcome to stay at ours if you like," Connie offered, "as long as you cook and clean up after yourselves,"

Cam shook his head, "we couldn't..."

She nodded, "I don't mind,"

"You sure Con?" Jacob smiled, kissing her forehead as she nodded,


"She's right, you're more than welcome."

"Come on let's get you girls home," Jacob smiled, wrapping his arm around Connie as Jade kept a firm hold on their daughter.

As the others got into their hire car, Jacob turned to place his hands on Connie's thigh,

"You amaze me every single day," he told her kindly, "you were brilliant,"

She leaned forward and kissed his lips, "I love you," she smiled, "now take us home, I'm starving."

He laughed and pressed another kissed to her lips, "I can't wait to bring this beautiful girl up with you,"

Jacob couldn't help but watch her as she tucked her daughter gently into the pram before pulling on her own coat and Jacob's scarf.

"Are you going to stand there watching me all day or are you going to join us?" She smiled, holding out her hand and leading him over to where her and her daughter stood waiting for everyone else to get ready,

"You look So beautiful stood there like that," he smiled, "I can't believe you only gave birth three days ago and you look like that,"

She kissed his lips once, pulling away as Mike whistled at them,

"You look amazing Connie," Jade grinned, before hugging her tightly,

Connie rolled her eyes, "enough about me, what aren't you telling me..."

Jade slipped her arm through Connie's as they walked as Jacob, Mike and Cam walked ahead,

"I split up with my husband," she admitted, "he was cheating on me..."

"Oh... I'm sorry," Connie uttered, "I know just how that feels, my ex husband was a serial cheater,"

"And I seem to keep falling into bed with Mike," she admitted,

Connie couldn't hide the look of shock that spread across her face, before she burst out laughing.

Connie had fallen asleep with her legs curled up, her head on Jacobs chest. Jacob smiled as Cam handed him a blanket,

"Jade and Mike are cooking us dinner," he smiled, picking up Jade as she stirred,

"You know, you still look at her like you always did,"

Jacob smiled, "she's changed my life... I never thought I wanted this, but..." He shrugged, "she takes everything in her stride, yet I have to keep pinching myself to remind me all this is real,"

"Not much fazes her does it?" Cam smiled knowingly, "you have a good life here, mikes right you are a lucky man."

Jacob nodded, his hands brushing Connie's hair softly,  "oh I'm all to aware of that"he smiled, 

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