1 • Welcome to Beacon Hills High

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Allison's pov:

It was almost second period on my first day at Beacon Hills High. Previously, I lived in Pennsylvania with my parents. However, my dad got a new job opportunity in a city not too fair from here. I begged to live anywhere that actually had more than one mall, but my parents loved small towns and told me that I would "make more friends" here. At this rate, I highly doubted that. There was only one person who even seemed remotely interested in being my friend or at least learning my story. Her name was Lydia Martin. Lydia and I stood in the hallway as students talked and pushed by each other. She pointed out some people, telling me a little about each of them before we made our way to History. I looked back and found a few boys walking past the lockers we were leaning against.

"Lydia, who are they?" I asked, tapping her shoulder.

"I guess you could call them the 'popular jocks'. See that one on the far left? He's Jackson Whittemore, my ex. Not really much to him other than a bad attitude and a pretty face. The one next to him is Aiden. He's hard to get to know, even I don't know much about him and I know all the gossip. The identical one beside him is Ethan, his twin brother. He's actually pretty sweet and is dating the one next to him, Danny. Danny's sweet too. If you ask me, they're a perfect match. The one with the chestnut hair, that's Stiles. Sarcastic yet kind at the same time, unlike Jackson. And finally, the one in the middle. Scott McCall. Beacon Hills High bad boy. Not really a player though which is super surprising seeing that all of the girls drool over him when he walks by. He throws the best parties, speaking of which, he's having one tonight. You should totally come with me!" Lydia exclaimed.

I couldn't help but watch as the boys walked through the crowd, my eyes glued on someone specific though. Scott. I quickly snap out of it, remembering that no guys fall for me, especially ones with dark brown hair and a reputation to hold.

"I don't know, Lydia..." I say, trying to get out of it.

"Come on, it'll be fun! You can even come over to get ready at my house before we go!" She exclaims.

"Okay, fine." I give in. What was I thinking? I had only been to one party and hated it the entire time, but right now, I was in desperate need of a friend and Lydia was the only one I had. I couldn't risk that.

"So, what do they even play?" I ask, remembering the jerseys that the "popular jocks" wore. I could already tell that this was your stereotypical high school.

"Lacrosse. I know, a little out of the ordinary, but it's our thing here. We're really good at it too. Maybe we could watch them practice tomorrow!"

I mentally rolled my eyes at Lydia's suggestion. It had only been an hour and I already felt out of place. Usually I just went home straight after school to do homework. Maybe it was a good thing though, Lydia was helping me change that, I guess. Before I know it, the bell rings and I find myself rushing to class with Lydia.


At Lydia's house

"You're planning on going like that? You wore that to school!" Lydia exclaims. I look down at my outfit and shrug. I was wearing a pair of boring black ballet flats with skinny jeans, a purple tank top and black faux leather jacket. My hair was in soft curls and I wore only a little bit of makeup.

She sighs, walking over to her closet. "You look like you could be my size. Let's find something for you to wear."

After about 10 minutes of digging through clothes, she picks out a handful of outfits and passes them to me, guiding me to her washroom.

"Take your pick. You have to show me first though." She says before I disappear into the bathroom.

I model a few outfits for her and we decide on the last one. "You look gorgeous! Looks way better on you than it does on me!" Lydia exclaims as soon as I enter the room.

I smile and twirl, feeling confident. I wore a skin tight royal blue spaghetti strap dress that stopped about two thirds of the way down my thighs with a pair of glossy black heels. I accessorize with my black faux leather jacket I wore earlier and a simple silver necklace. Lydia removes my makeup and makes my face look intense yet soft at the same time. She was really great at makeup, much better than me. She brushed a piece of hair out of my face and handed me a mirror.

"Ta da!" She exclaims as I examine my face. I almost didn't recognize myself.

"Thank you! It's amazing!" I smile, hugging her.

"Not a problem. I'm gonna go change and then we'll leave." She says, heading back to her room, leaving me sitting on the bathroom floor.

A few minutes later, she calls me from the hallway and I grab my purse before making my way over to her.

"Ready, Argent?" She asks.

"Definitely." I reply, linking our arms together.

Author's note:

Yay, a new story! Hope you all enjoy this! I'm looking forward to writing it and have some ideas that I think will make it really sweet. Thank you all for reading!

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