7 • The Notebook

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Scott's pov:

"Oh gosh, it was awful, Stiles!" I exclaim, recalling the awkward family dinner at Allison's the night before.

"It couldn't have been that bad." He argues.

"Oh really? First, I accidentally brought up Jackson and ended up calling him an asshole. Her parents glared at my like I killed their dog. Then, I went to the bathroom and the toilet got clogged. OH. THEN, her mom served cheesecake for dessert. You know how much I hate cheesecake-"

"Oh no. Not cheesecake." Stiles says sarcastically, but also acknowledging my disgust for the dessert.

"The rest of the night was horrible too. They're so protective of her and they asked me like a thousand questions. Most of the answers were completely false and it was probably pretty obvious. Her parents hate me, I'm not even over exaggerating. On the somewhat bright side, her aunt thought I was hilarious."

"Sounds quite awful. Well, at least that's one family member who will show up to your future wedding." He jokes.

"Oh shut up. Gotta go, Allison's here. Please help me." I whisper into the phone.

"Have fun, buddy." He laughs before hanging up.

After dinner the night before, Allison insisted on walking me to the car where she hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Well, I guess that didn't go as badly as I was expecting. Definitely didn't go as well as I was hoping either. That's okay, there's always another time." She had said, releasing my hand from her grip as I got in the car.

"Yeah... Another time." I had muttered under my breath.

"Scott, Allison's here!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I quickly rushed down, hoping today wouldn't be awkward between us. We were going to hang out and then head to Ethan and Aiden's party. Luckily, Jackson was away for the weekend with his family, so he wouldn't be there to do what Jackson does best. Piss me off.

"Hey." I smile as I spot Allison standing in the front hallway.

"Hey." She smiles back before following me up the stairs to my room.

She plops down on my bed and sighs.

"Sorry about last night. That was a disaster."

"No, I should apologize. It was all my fault. Lets just forget about it for today, okay?" I suggest.

She nods and walks over to my closet.

"What are you doing?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Borrowing a hoodie and sweatpants for our movie day."

"Movie day?"

"Yes. A day where we cuddle and watch movies all day. Maybe some kissing if you're lucky." She teases.

She begins to unbottom her skinny jeans and I can't help but blush. I begin to turn away before she interrupts me.

"What's wrong, McCall. Scared of panties?" She whispers.

"N-no. Of course not." I stutter, turning back to face her.

"So you wouldn't mind if I did this?" She asks, peeling her jeans off of her legs and tossing them onto the floor. She's now standing in a pair of purple lace underwear.

I bite my lip as she pulls my light grey sweatpants over her delicate lower body. I give in and rush up to her, pushing my lips against hers. She leans back against the wall and moves her hands up and down my body softly. I pull her shirt over her head revealing a matching purple lace bra.

She shoves me a little, playfully and whispers "you have to wait until after the movie, Scott. That's my only condition."

"Come on. Why wait?" I complain.

"First of all, mama McCall is still in the house. Second of all, the Notebook always comes first." She says in a hushed tone. I sigh and quickly peck her lips before backing away as she pulls a Beacon Hills High hoodie over her head and grins at me.

"Now, Scott. I believe the Notebook is currently calling our names. Race you to the basement!" She exclaims, sprinting into the hallway before I even get a chance to process what's happening. I run after her, but to my disappointment, she beats me fair and square.

"Allison Argent always wins." She states, sitting back onto the couch and pulling the blanket over her.

I get the movie started and cuddle up beside her under the blanket. I didn't care that we were watching a sappy romance movie. We could be watching a documentary on bees and I'd be happy because as long as I had her in my arms, I was the happiest person in the world. We stayed like that for hours, watching a few episodes of Pretty Little Liars after the Notebook ended. Once we had finished three episodes, I looked over at Allison and smirked.

"Mama McCall is not home and we have not only completed the Notebook, but three episodes of what you would call 'PLL'."

"I guess you've waited long enough. Thank you." She whispers, kissing me softly.

"Do you want to go to the twin's party?" I ask as Allison towel dries her hair in the bathroom, still wearing my sweatpants and hoodie.

"Could we just stay here? I don't like being in a room full of people who don't care about me. I'd rather be in a room with you." She complains.

Although I was looking forward to the party, there would be plenty more to come. Days with Allison would always be more important.

"Anything for you." I smile, kissing her cheek.

We spent the rest of the evening hanging out and laughing (and cuddling, of course) until it was 7:00 and she had to go home for dinner.

"No, don't leave me." I said, pretending to cry as she left the house.

"I'll see you on Monday." She giggled.

"Monday is too far away, my sweet. How will I ever survive?" I say in a dramatic (and terrible) British accent.

"I'm sure you'll find a way." She states, kissing me before heading to her car.

"Goodbye, my princess!" I yell, still using a British accent.

"Goodbye, my prince!" She calls back.

And at this point in time, I knew that I was already in love with Allison Argent.

Author's note:

Sorry it's taken so long for an update! I had writers block until today and I've been super busy with schoolwork! I'm hoping to have more chapters up this week, but we'll see how things go. Thank you all for reading and being patient!

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