21 • Black out

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Allison's pov:

I dig through my purse, searching for my car keys. After about a minute, I find them at the very bottom of my bag. I roll my eyes and pull the small piece of metal out, the keychain wrapped around my index finger.

"Allison." I hear Danny say softly from behind me.

"Hey, Danny. What's up?" I smile.

"Um, I just want to warn you that there's yet another rumour going around. People think that your baby isn't Scott's, they're saying it's Isaac's... I wanted to give you a heads up." He says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh my gosh. Do people ever stop? Thanks for telling me."

"No problem. Drive safe, see you tomorrow." He says before heading over to Ethan.

"Wow... And slut and a cheater. She's unbelievable." I hear a girl whisper to her friend.

"Can you please shut up? I'm right here. Oh and by the way, I heard you were sleeping with someone behind your boyfriend's back, but I chose not to believe it."

The girl looks shocked. "That's not true at all! He cheated on me!" She cries.

"Hmm, not so fun when you're the one having a false rumour spread about you, is it? Don't say stuff about people that isn't even true, okay?"

Her and her friend nod before scurrying off.

*buzz* iMessage from Isaac

"Hey, Alli. Heard the rumour, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, okay? I wish people would stop worrying about me so much. I can handle myself."

"Okay, sorry. Guess I'll see you tomorrow."

I stuff my phone back into my purse and stomp to my car. Just as I relax into the driver's seat, Lydia taps on my window, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"What's wrong, Lyds?" I ask after I roll down my window.

"Stiles is such an ass! He said he'd meet me by his stupid jeep after school, but he never showed up."

Great, more stress. Why can't everyone just get along?

I get out of the car and wrap her into a hug. Suddenly, I feel dizzy and nauseous, and I see three versions of Lydia.

"I-I don't feel very good." I say, letting go of my best friend.

"Here, sit down." She says, opening the car door.

And then, I black out.

Lydia's pov:

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Someone call 911, right now!" I shriek, brushing my hand across her forehead.

"They're coming!" A boy yells out.

"Lydia? Is everything okay?!"

I turn around to find Lucy standing beside me.

"She... She passed out. I'm really worried." I cry.

"Hey, it's alright. Is there anything I can do?"

"Get Scott McCall, please. Let him know that we've gone to the hospital."

"Okay. Text me about Allison later?"


Soon, the ambulance pulls up and Allison is whisked away by paramedics.

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