11 • Calm Before the Storm

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Scott's pov:

"STYDIA!!" Allison and I yell in unison, our hands connected as we watch the two love birds leaning on each other's sides.

"You guys are ridiculous. Why are we friends again?" Lydia questions sarcastically, removing her arm from Stiles' side, still gripping onto his hand.

"Because you love me." Allison smiles, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

The four of us make our way into the movie theatre, going to watch 'The Fault in Our Stars'. Unfortunately for Stiles and I, the girls had picked the movie and would not allow an argument. It had been a couple months since my cheesy-yet-romantic speech to get Alli back. We often sang the words to 'better place' in the car and although I had never told Allison, I could only hope that it would be our wedding song one day. An outlandish thought, but you have to chase your dreams. At least, that's what they say.

Stiles and Lydia started dating a few weeks ago after years of Stiles begging for her attention.

These 3 people had become my family. We made a vow that even if our relationships ended, we would still remain close friends- promising not to ruin our tight group.

The theatre was quite empty- only a few middle age women and a couple teenage girls joined us. The teenage girls, probably about 14 years old, awed when Stiles and I entered the theatre, carrying popcorn yet still managing to hold our girl friends' hands. The four of us sat in the back and the room went black not long after we sat down. A while into the movie, Allison nuzzles her face into my shoulder and I kiss the top of her head.

"I love you." She whispers.

"I love you too." I reply, watching the movie out of the corner of my eye.

As Augustus tells Hazel about his cancer returning in the movie, Allison and Lydia begin sobbing and Stiles and I exchange glances, trying to hold in our giggles. We may be high schoolers, but we are still beyond immature.

The movie ended and we all made our way out of the building until Allison stopped in the front foyer.

"Come on, babe. What are you doing?" I ask as people pass by, glancing at her.

"Piggy back?" She smiles innocently.

I sigh and lower my body, my back facing her. She hops on and wraps her arms and legs around me, keeping her face so close to my ear, I can feel her breath.

The car ride is spent laughing and screaming lyrics to songs with the windows down. These were my favourite nights- driving around the streets of Beacon Hills as pedestrians stared at us like we were insane. They we right; we were, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

~days later~

Allison's pov:

Hundreds of thoughts ran through my mind before falling asleep, just like every other night. I made mental lists of what I had to do the next day, remembered funny stories and even solved math equations. Tonight was a normal night filled with normal thoughts until I realized that I hadn't gotten my period yet. I was supposed to get it 4 days ago, but school was so stressful I hadn't even realized.

"Allison, calm down. Don't jump to conclusions." I whisper to myself, looking at the clock. 1:46 am- Saturday, January 6th, 2015.

Of course, I really couldn't fall asleep after that. It was all that ran through my mind for hours. I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want to call anyone and wake them, so I waited it out, hoping to fall asleep. At 3:56 am, I gave in and picked my phone up off my nightstand.

I clicked Lydia's name and waited for her to answer. She picked up on the 3rd ring.

"Allison, what the hell? It's 4 in the morning." She said groggily.

"L-Lydia. I need... I need to talk to you. I'm so sorry I called so late- or, early I guess." I stuttered, not noticing I was crying and my voice was shaky until the words had been said.

The line went silent for a few moments and I could hear Lydia's breathing become heavier.

"I'll be right over." She said bluntly before hanging up the phone.

Lydia's pov:

I knew something was wrong when Allison called at such an odd time. The way she said the words worried me. I had never heard her sound so panicked. I'd seen her cry on a couple occasions, but never like this. I rushed out of bed and threw a pair of flannel pyjama bottoms on over my tight sleep shorts. I also pulled an oversized sweater from 'PINK' on over my head before grabbing my phone and sprinting downstairs. I didn't bother leaving a note for my mom. She would call if she was worried. I slipped my tan 'uggs' on over my fuzzy socks and scooped up my keys. The streets were quiet so I got to Allison's house within five minutes and found her sitting on her front porch in tears. I parked in the driveway and jogged over to her, wrapping her in my arms tightly.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I'm 4- almost 5 days late. I'm never late, Lydia." Allison whispered.

"Oh, Alli. Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay." I said, stroking her hair.

"Can you stay here tonight?" She asked.

"Of course. Let's go inside, it's freezing." I suggested.

I texted my mom telling her the situation, but telling her that Allison was upset over Scott rather than missing her period. I wrapped Allison up in her bed and I grabbed the blanket which was lying on top of her bean bag chair and made a place for me to sleep on the floor. Allison cried herself to sleep and I quickly texted Stiles.

"There's something going with Allison that Scott can't know about yet. Can you keep him distracted tomorrow? I'll tell you more information as soon as I can. Don't tell him ANYTHING."

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