15 • Understanding

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Scott's pov

Over the sound of heavy rain landing on our roof, I hear a light knock on the front door.

"I'll get it." I call to my mom who is preparing tacos for dinner in the kitchen.

I swing it open to see Allison, drenched in water with makeup running down her face and a huge bag swung over her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I ask, letting her into the house before closing the door behind her.

"They want me to get rid of...it." She whispers.

"What did you say?" I worry.

"I said absolutely not. We're having this baby." She says as a tear streams down her cheek.

I wrap her into a hug and kiss her forehead. When we break apart, I wipe her tears with my thumb and take her bag.

"C-could I stay here for tonight? Lydia wasn't answering her phone and I didn't know where else to go." She sniffles.

"Of course you can. Hey, mom?! We have a guest joining us for dinner!" I yell.

"Alright! Are tacos okay for the guest?" She laughs.

Allison nods to me and smiles.


We help my mom prepare dinner, and then enjoy the delicious food around the table. My mom loved Allison, they spent most of their time together laughing and smiling together. It made me beyond happy to see them getting along so well. If only I had that with her parents.

After dinner, I tell Allison to get settled in upstairs while my mom and I clean up. She argues at first, not wanting to be rude, but finally gives in. This was my time to tell her about my biggest, but maybe not so terrible, mistake.

As we stand side-by-side at the sink, scrubbing plates, I sigh.

"There's something we need to talk about." I begin.

"Alright, what is it? You're making me nervous." She laughs.

"I- uh, well... Allison found out that she's pregnant a few days ago." I stutter, feeling my hands shake in the soapy water.

"You did not. Please tell me this is a sick joke." She hopes, placing the plate down on the counter.

We remain silent for a few moments and my mom rests on the counter, obviously overwhelmed by the news of her becoming a grandmother soon.

"I wish I could. I'm sorry, I know I'm a disappointment."

"Scott, never say that. You don't disappoint me at all. You make me proud. But you know what would make me disappointed? If you didn't help raise that baby." She says, lifting my chin with her hand delicately.

"You're not mad?"

"Of course I'm not exactly happy, but it's not the end of the world. I know these things happen... I just never thought they'd happen to you- us."

"I know. Oh, and I'm raising the baby with her. I really do love her, mom. I've never felt like this before." I smile.

"I know you do, baby. She's amazing." My mom says before wrapping me into a hug.

Allison's pov

"I know. Oh, and I'm raising the baby with her. I really do love her, mom. I've never felt like this before."

I really do love her.

I had been coming down the stairs in my flannel pyjama pants and t-shirt when I heard the conversation. I didn't want to interrupt, so I stayed behind the wall, out of sight. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but when those words came out of his mouth I felt butterflies. Although I knew he loved me, he told his mom. The most important person in his life, and she approved. I turn my body, leaning my back against the wall and smile while holding my hand over the necklace Scott previously gave me.

Once the conversation had been over for a few moments, I make my way back into the kitchen where I find them standing close, staring back at each other.

"So I've been told that you're having a baby." Melissa says in shock.

"Y-yeah... I guess we are." I laugh.

Scott pulls me towards him and wraps his hand around my waist, our sides making light contact.

"How do your parents feel, Allison?"

"They're not happy- at all. That's why I came here. They don't want me to have the baby..." I sigh, tears swelling my eyes.

"Aw, sweetie. I know it doesn't mean much to you, but you definitely have my approval." She says with a genuine smile on her lips.

"Thank you. It does mean a lot."

We all share a group hug before Scott goes upstairs to change into his pyjamas. Melissa and I chat for a while, about the baby, the pregnancy, and school.

"Well, I have thought about doing part of senior year online until I have the baby in November, but I think I'm gonna deal with the bullying and glares. No one, except Scott and Lydia, knows me well enough to judge."

"Good for you. Keep your head high and shrug it off as best you can." Melissa says.

"I just never thought this would happen to me. It's gonna be so hard to keep my grades up for graduation. How am I gonna do it?" I sigh. I hadn't even thought that far ahead until now.

"Lots of sleepless nights doing homework and watching the baby. You'll get through it though."

Scott soon returns, and the three of us decide to watch We Bought a Zoo, one of Scott's personal favourites, although he'd never admit it.

When the movie ends, we all head upstairs and gets ready for bed. I quickly kiss Scott before heading to the guest room, despite his complaining.

"Come on, my mom will never know."

"No, Scott. Sorry, love." I whispered, kissing his cheek softly and leaving the room.

That night, I drifts off to sleep, hundreds of thoughts clouding my mind. Tomorrow I would tell the rest of my friends and hope they'd understand. It still hasn't hit me that I am going to give birth to a baby. My baby. Our baby.

Author's note:

Sorry this chapter is kinda short! Raise your hand if you love Mama McCall 🙋🏼!

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