38 • Surprise dinner

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Allison's pov:

Scott and I spend an hour cuddling on the couch, staring at my ring, talking, and kissing. Eventually, he removes his arm from over my shoulders, and sighs.

"As much as I'd love to stay like this forever, we have dinner reservations at your favourite restaurant downtown."

"Aw, you're the sweetest! That place is so expensive, though."

"I don't care. Now, go put on a nice dress, and I'll carry you to the car- bridal style." He grins.

I giggle, before heading to my bedroom. I put a simple white dress on, along with a grey cardigan, a gold long-chain necklace, and brown boots. I re-apply my makeup, and brush my tangled curls before texting Lydia.

"Oh my gosh, Lyds! I'm engaged!"

"Scott popped the question?!?"

"Yep. He's taking me to dinner, so I gotta go, but I'll call you later. Wish you were here!"

"Me too. Have fun, girl!"

I place my phone in my small purse, and exit the room. Scott fulfills his promise, and scoops me into his arms. As we make our way trough the building, people give us confused looks, but we shrug it off. As such young parents, we were used to people staring by now.

About twenty minutes later, we pull up to the restaurant. It's busy- as it always is. Scott shuffles through a crowd of people to reach the front desk.

"Wait here, I'll be right back." He says.

"Um, okay?" I say, confused as to why I can't just go up with him. I decide to follow his wish, and pull out my phone. I put my left hand out, and snap a picture of it, showing off my ring. I add the photo to my snapchat story, and check a couple of my emails while I wait.

"Alli, come on." Scott smiles.

I nod, shoving my phone back into my purse and grabbing his hand. There's no waiter showing us to our table, and no menus, which is a bit odd. I shrug it off, and let Scott guide me to the dining room. I'm shocked when I spot a huge table, with all our friends and family sitting around- including the ones who live in different states.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaim, stopping in my tracks.

Everyone at the table looks over at us and smiles. Lydia jumps out of her seat and flings her arms around me.

We rock back and fourth, and Lydia whispers "congratulations!"

"Thanks, Lyds. You're such a good liar! I had no idea you were here."

She giggles a little as we separate.

"Now, let me see!"

I hold my hand out and she sighs. "It's so gorgeous!"

"I don't know how Scott picked such a perfect ring."

"Well, I may have helped, but it was mostly him. I just gave my stamp of approval." She winks.

"What? How long have you been here?!"

"A few days. He made me promise not to tell. It was really tough."

I shove her shoulder playfully, and she scoffs. "Well, wasn't it worth the wait?"

"Of course. Thanks for coming."

I hug everyone; Stiles, Kira, Malia, Danny, Isaac, the twins, Stiles' dad, my parents. As I'm about to take a seat, I feel two little arms wrap around my waist from behind. I turn around and find Emma gripping onto me, Melissa standing a couple feet back.

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