10 • Two hearts

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(Listen to song above)
Allison's pov:

Scott takes a deep breath before beginning to strum a song on the guitar. I stand in the dim room, a huge smile forming across my face as he sings the lyrics from "better place" by Rachel Platten.

"I'll tell the world, I'll sing a song
It's a better place since you came along.
Since you came along. Your touch is sunlight through the trees, your kisses are the ocean breeze. Everything's alright when you're with me.

And I hold my favorite thing, I hold the love that you bring, but it feels like I've opened my eyes again and the colors are golden and bright again.
There's a song in my heart, I feel like I belong.
It's a better place since you came along,
It's a better place since you came along.

I see the whole world in your eyes,
It's like I've known you all my life. We just feel so right. So I pour my heart into your hands, it's like you really understand. You love the way I am.

And I hold my favorite thing, I hold the happiness you bring, but it feels like I've opened my eyes again and the colors are golden and bright again.
And the sun paints the skies and the wind sings our song;
It's a better place since you came along,
It's a better place since you came along.

Now I'm alright, now I'm alright.
Everything's alright.

Cause it feels like I've opened my eyes again and the colors are golden and bright again.
There's a song in my heart, I feel like I belong.
It's a better place since you came along,
It's a better place since you came along." He sings calmly. He sighs as he finishes the song and tears fill my eyes.

"Allison, don't say a thing. I love you. I love you so much and I won't let you walk away ever again. That song explains everything I feel for you. You make this world a better place and without you, it will be dark and I don't know if I'll make it. So please, Allison. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you in my life because you are worth every change and every second of my time."

"I-I love you. I need you. You are so amazing and I can't believe-" I'm interrupted by his kiss on my lips.

We have to pull away slightly as we giggle and rest our foreheads together.

"Okay, I have a few things for you." He says, rushing behind the couch. He pulls out a bouquet of red roses and a teddy bear. The teddy bear has a black box resting on it's lap. He passes me the bouquet, then the teddy bear after removing the box and holding it in his hand.

He removes the lid, revealing a silver necklace with two connected hearts hanging off of the chain.

"Do you like it?" He smiles.

"I love it. Almost as much as I love you." I whisper, hugging him tightly.

He places it around my neck and the hearts lay on my upper chest.

"It looks beautiful." He says admiring the piece of jewelry.

"Thank you. Really. You're my sunshine in this dark world. I'm not just saying that to be cheesy." I smile.

"You're my sunshine." He smiles back.

I wiggle out of his arms and clear my throat and begin singing the lyrics to "better place". He joins in and we skip around the room, pecking each other on the cheek often and holding each other tightly. I had never been as happy as I was with Scott. I know it sounds crazy, but I want to spend my life with him. I want to feel this happy forever. I want my kids to have him as a father. I want him- I want us.


The next day, I told Lydia the story of my necklace. She squealed and grabbed my hands.

"You guys have to get married and have scallison babies! Oh my gosh, your babies would be adorable!" She exclaims.

"Scallison babies? You spend WAYYY too much time on the Internet." I chuckle, closing my locker. I feel two arms wrap around my waist from behind and a kiss on the crown of my head.

"Speaking of Scott..." I mumble to Lydia.

"Hey, princess." Scott whispers.

"Hey, babe."

"Just so you know, all of the guys want to get to know you. Jackson was the only issue and since he isn't allowed to be anywhere near me, it's all great now." He informs me.

"That's good. I'll see you at lunch then. I gotta go." I say, pretending to tear up.

"Okay... Love you." He says quietly.

"Love you too." I reply before Lydia and I make our way down the hall.

"I wish I had a relationship like yours." Lydia sighs.

"You could."


"Stiles. He likes you, a lot, Lydia. Like he can barely talk about you without smiling and blushing."

"Seriously? I knew he used to like me, but I didn't know he still did. I'll think about it." She smiles.

"Double dates, here we come!" I joke, causing her to punch me in the arm.

~weeks later~

Life for me has never been better. Scott and I are as happy as can be and Lydia and Stiles have been getting close. Also, Scott's group has grown to accept and love me like their sister. Jackson hasn't said a single word to Scott and was kicked off the lacrosse team for bad behaviour. "How could life get any worse?" I often wondered. But truth is, happiness is always temporary. At some point, things are bound to get messy.

Author's note:

Hope you guys are enjoying! I have something major for this story coming up, so keep reading! <3

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