17 • First appointment

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Allison's pov:

It's been four days since Scott and I told our friends about the baby. Lydia, Scott, and I haven't talked to Stiles since then. He's been moping around the halls by himself, turning the other direction when he sees us coming. As for my parents, they've forced me to come home immediately after school, and banned me from seeing Scott anywhere but school. They know that's inevitable. My mother booked an appointment with a Gynaecologist, but said she wouldn't be comfortable coming. She is allowing me to bring Lydia, though, but what she doesn't know, is that I'm bringing Scott and Melissa along too. They are going to be this baby's family too.

"Bye, babe. See you at the appointment later. 6 o'clock, don't forget." I smile, kissing Scott goodbye.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. See you later, drive safe."

I go home, do some homework, and grab a snack. When I'm done, I head to my bathroom where I lift my shirt a little in the mirror. The bump was small, but still there. I run my hands along my skin and whisper "Hey, baby. It's your mommy. You're about to get checked by the doctor, don't worry though. Everything's gonna be just fine. Your aunt Lydia is coming with me. Well, she's not really your aunt, but I'll explain that when you're older. Your daddy and grandma are coming too. You're gonna be an extremely loved kid, you know that, right. Your other grandma and grandpa will come around, I promise. You just focus on getting healthy, and strong, okay, little one? I love you."

At first, I felt silly talking to my baby, but, I heard it was good for him/her, and after a while, it felt normal.

I sigh, and make my way to my room, where I change into a somewhat loose fitting shirt and leggings. Soon, I'd be living in huge sweaters, trying to hide my stomach.

I leave the house around 5:30, since I was picking Lydia up on the way. I arrive at the doctor's around 5:50 and Scott and Melissa arrive a couple minutes later.

As we all sit in the waiting room, I look around and see adult women with their husbands, smiling. A couple people look at me oddly, but I shrug it off. They don't know my story.

"Allison Argent?" A secretary calls out.

We all stand, and follow her to a room.

"Doctor Lawrence should be here in a moment, so you could change into this gown in the bathroom." She says, passing me a hospital gown.

I do as told, and sit on the bed when I return. My palms were sweaty and I was anxious. I know that teen pregnancies have a higher risk of complications, so that scared me most. Scott notices my fear, and grabs my hand.

Soon, a tall, blond woman walks into the room.

"You must be Allison. I'm Doctor Lawrence." She says, shaking my hand.

"You have quite a few supporters here." She laughs.

"Yeah, I do. This is my best friend, Lydia, my boyfriend and father of the baby, Scott, and his mother, Melissa."

"Pleasure to meet all of you. So, Allison, your mother called to book the appointment, so I assume she is aware of the situation?"

"Yes, her and my father were, um.... Busy. They wanted to be here, though." I lied.

"Well that's good. You're very lucky. Most families don't... Handle these situations well."

Doctor Lawrence asks a few questions regarding my medical history, sexual activity, any medication I'm taking, any medical concerns, etc.

"Well, let's get an ultrasound and see how far along you are." She smiles.

"Allison, would you like me to go? I can wait outside of you like." Melissa offers.

"Me too." Scott chimes in.

"No, no. As long as you're comfortable, I am too."

The two nod and remain in the room, standing behind my head. Scott runs his hands through my hair, causing me to blush.

Doctor Lawrence sets everything up, and places some gel on my tummy.

Lydia takes hold of my hand, and keeps her eyes on the screen.

"You see that spot there? That is your baby. Everything seems alright, so that's great. He or she has a strong heartbeat which is one of the most important things."

I grin from ear to ear, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks.

Scott kisses my forehead, and everyone is the room awes.

"It looks like you're about 7 weeks along, and today is February 2nd, therefore you should be having this baby in... August. Congrats!"

Doctor Lawrence then does a couple tests, and chats to me about things to expect, how to prepare, and more. I leave the appointment feeling much better about the situation.

~2 weeks later~
Scott's pov:

Bread... Where the hell is the bread? I think to myself as I glance down every aisle in the supermarket.

Then, I spot Mr. Argent down an aisle with a half-full cart by his side. Just who I want to see. Not. Do I say hi? No, he hates you. Oh come on, Scott. Just say hello. Don't be such a baby.

"Mr. Argent?" I blurt out, approaching him.

"Scott..." He says, almost in disgust. "What are you doing here?"

"Just picking up some things for my mom. Do you happen to know where the bread is?" Seriously? You're asking him where the bread is? You idiot.

"I think it's in the next aisle." He states, pointing to the right.

"Oh, thank you." I say, beginning to walk away. Then, I turn around, without thinking. "Sir, I'm sorry, but your daughter makes me happy, and we're really great together. You can't deny it. No matter what you believe, I'm not going to leave her. I'm raising this child, and I'm going to love Allison with everything I have. If you can't accept that, then that is your loss, but all you're going to do is lose your daughter."

Choosing to ignore my speech, he simply says "Have a good night, Scott."

I stomp off, and collect the bread, along with some orange juice before heading to the check out. My phone buzzes, and I answer Allison's call as I get to the front of the line.

"Hey, I'm just calling to say... Hi, I guess. I'm bored." She laughs.

"Well, guess who I just bumped into at the store? Your dad."

"Oh my gosh. Was he mean?"

"Not really, he told me where the bread was. Then, I said this speech about how I wasn't going to let you down, and he just told me to have a good night."

"He'll come around, Scott. My parents aren't as upset as they were. They're learning to accept it. They'll learn to accept you, too. You just have to earn their trust."

"I really hope I earn it before the baby comes."

"Well, hopefully we still have about seven months until that happens. Gotta go, my mom's calling me. See you tomorrow."

"Alright. Bye, beautiful."

"You're cute. Bye, Scott."

Author's note:

Sorry I haven't been updated much. I haven't been inspired much, but the time away has helped me think of a few ideas that inspired me. Thanks for reading! <3

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