13 • Dreams

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Allison's pov:

Two lines on each test. I was pregnant. My stomach felt queasy and tears stung my eyes. This wasn't supposed to be how it went. I was supposed to grow up, go to college, have a career, get married and then have kids. At least, that's what I had always imagined for myself.

"Alli, are you okay?" Lydia asks, tapping the door.

I trudge over to the door and unlock it slowly. The world felt as if everything was in slow motion. Lydia let herself in and I couldn't help but fall into her arms immediately.

"They're positive..." I whisper, sobbing into her shoulder.

"Okay, okay. Uh- we can do this. You hear me? Everything is gonna be fine, I promise you that. We will all figure it out." Lydia replies, rubbing circles on my back.

"L-Lydia, I feel sick."

"Don't be scared. It's gonna be o-"

"No. Physically sick!" I exclaimed, rushing over to the toilet and instantly throwing up. I wasn't sure if it was morning sickness or anxiety- or both.

"Oh..." Lydia says, trying not to laugh. She grabs some tissues from the counter and passes them to me.

"How am I going to do this?" I cry. I have to tell Scott, my friends, my parents...

"My parents!" I shriek.

"They're not home-"

"No, Lydia! My parents! They're gonna kill me! Literally!" I yell, freaking out.

"Okay, Allison. Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

•The next day at school•

My only mission that day was to avoid Scott. I couldn't tell him yet, I barely knew much about what was happening.

"Alli, are you okay?" Stiles asks the second he sees me step out of my car.

"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah I'm fine." Fine. That word means absolutely nothing.

"Okay, you tell me if you need something. I still haven't told Scott anything." He whispers.

"Thanks, Stiles." I say, giving him a faint smile before making my way towards the school.

"Allison!" A voice calls out from behind me. Scott. I continue walking, pretending I didn't hear him and rush into the school. I don't stop until I reach my locker.

"Hey." Scott whispers in my ear. I flinch at the feeling of his breath on my skin.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing! I'm fine." I snap. Fine.

"Woah, sorry. You sure you're alright?"

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just super tired, you know?" It wasn't a total lie, I still couldn't sleep from the anxiety.

"Uh, okay. See you later." He says before kissing my cheek. I sigh and make my way to chemistry.


From dodging him in the halls to ignoring his texts, it was like Scott was everywhere. I knew he could tell something was up. I had made it to lunch without meeting with him since the morning.

"He's suspicious." I say to Lydia as we stroll into the cafeteria.

"It's okay. Scott and Stiles are oblivious. They won't figure it out."

"They might not figure out exactly what happening, but it's pretty obvious something's going on."

"Keep your chin up, Alli. Everything's gonna be alright." Lydia says, stopping and lifting my face with two fingers, causing me to smile.

"You're the best friend I've ever had, you know that, right?"

"And you're the best I've ever had and the best I'll ever have." She replies.

"Okay, let's move on from this sappy moment. This is not a romance movie." Lydia laughs.

We continue to the cafeteria, buy lunch and sit down with our "oblivious and immature yet totally adorable boyfriends" as Lydia would call them. Just as we take a seat, Stiles exclaims;

"The fabulous four!"

"It's perfect!" Scott smiles.

"The what?" Lydia scoffs, opening her chocolate milk.

"That's what we're called. The fabulous four." Stiles replies. "Nice to see you too, sweetheart." He says sarcastically.

"Dorks." I giggle.

"Ouch." Stiles cries dramatically, pretending to stab himself in the heart.

These are my friends. My people. My soulmates.

"What did I say, Scott?! No shooting me with a water gun!" I exclaim, my deep purple dress now drenched in cold water.

Our children are laughing hysterically in the background. One somewhat older boy and a younger girl. They both had dark brown hair and chocolate eyes. The sun made them look as if they were glowing, like angels. They were the most beautiful children I had ever seen, and I wasn't saying that because they were my own.

"Maggie, pass the water gun!" I shout at our giggling daughter. She passes me the toy and I aim right at Scott before pressing the trigger.

It just so happens that I "accidentally" squirted him in the crotch.

"Daddy wet his pants!" Our son exclaims.

Scott looks down in defeat before laying on the soft grass. It was peaceful for a moment until the children shrieked and jumped onto him, causing him to yelp before laughing with them. I stood back and admired the beautiful life we had built together.

"Mummy, mummy!" Maggie shouted, motioning for me to come over. I glanced at my wedding band, along with my engagement ring and smiled. This was the life I had always wanted and I finally had it. I lay down beside my family and we all stare up at the beautiful sky which was turning pink as the sun set.

"Well, kids, that means it's time to go home." Scott sighs.

"No, daddy!" Maggie cries.

"Sorry kiddo!" He smiles before picking the two kids up and pecking my lips gently.


I open my eyes to find myself in the dark, in my own bed. I fumble my right hand around my left ring finger. No wedding band. It was a dream.

Tears stung my eyes as I remembered that my life would not turn out that way. I wouldn't end up with Scott or our two children at the park. I wouldn't end up staring at the sunset, drenched in water yet still laughing uncontrollably. I wouldn't have the life I had always dreamt of.

Author's note:

I actually really like this chapter, I hope you do too! Thanks for reading! <3

The odds against us • a Scott and Allison fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now