2 • Regret

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Allison's pov:

We step into Scott's house, the strong smell of alcohol overwhelming me. The floorboards shake from the loud music, it's a good thing there aren't very many houses around. Surely, the cops would be called eventually. I instantly felt regretful of my decision to come to the party. This wasn't my scene. I open my mouth to tell Lydia that I'm gonna walk home when we're interrupted by one of the 'popular jocks'. If I remember correctly, his name is Jackson.

"Lydia, fancy bumping into you here. Who's your little friend?" He asked, directing her attention to me.

Lydia rolls her eyes and introduces us. "Jackson, this is Allison. Don't even think about sleeping with her. She's new to town and off limits for assholes like you."

I begin to feel awkward. I had never slept with anyone before, I wanted to save it for someone I was serious with. I'm not waiting till marriage, just for a guy I wouldn't regret losing my virginity to.

"Oh shut up, Lydia. I don't sleep with every girl." He says.

"Oh please. Go get your immature ass out of my face." She snips back.

He raises his red plastic cup and nods in my direction before turning around and entering the next room.

"Man whore" Lydia mutters under her breath.

Suddenly, I feel someone fall into me and I stumble forward in surprise.

"I'm sorry! My bad! Wait... I've never seen you around before. I'm Scott and you are?" The dark haired boy that I had seen earlier asks me.

"Allison. I'm new here. Um Lydia invited me to your party and I thought it would be cool to get to know some people." I rambled. Really, Allison? Really? I ask before mentally slapping myself.

"Nice. See you around, Allison." He smiles. I feel myself blushing and Lydia taps my shoulder.

"Ooooooh someone's got a crush." She teases.

"Shut up, I do not."

"Do so."

"Do not." We argue back and forth for a while before she makes her way to the beer and passes me a bottle.

I stare at it in my hand and mentally panic. I've only had one sip of my dad's beer before. This party is making me realize how lame and behind on high school life I am.

Lydia pops the cap off and I take a sip, trying not to show how disgusted I am at the taste. I smile before we make our way further into the house, bouncing up and down to the music. No one really takes interest in who I am. I spend the rest of the night basically glued to Lydia and taking small sips of alcohol. After 3 beers, my body is trembling and the alcohol is taking over my body.

"Lydia, you're my only friend in this stupid town." I exclaim.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Now, come with me!" She yells.

"Where are we going?" I ask as she pulls me to the kitchen. I spot Scott and I know what she's up to.

"You're gonna go get his number." She grins.

"No I'm not." I argue.

"Allison, just go. He's gonna love you! Remember to be confident and pout your lips a little. Guys like that." She winks

"Lydia, I can't talk to him!"

"Oh yes you can. Hey, Scott!" She yells.

"Lydia!" I slap her arm as Scott looks over at us and starts coming our way.

"Good luck. Thank me later." And then, she disappears leaving me all alone with the school's bad boy.

"Hey, Allison, right?" He asks.

"Uh yeah." He remembered my name!

I pout my lips a little just as Lydia had instructed and stand a little taller. I twisted my hair around my index finger and smiled innocently.

"Great party." I say over the music.

"Thanks. So, w-" he's interrupted by the chestnut haired boy yelling at him.

"Sorry, I gotta go. See you at school." He apologizes.

"No worries." I say, wondering what to do now. I had no idea where Lydia went, so I make my way outside and stand on the driveway. The music is muffled by the walls of the house but my head is still pounding. I pull my phone out to tell Lydia to meet me outside. Soon, she's standing on the front porch, scolding me for interrupting her talk with some hot guy.

"Sorry, I need to go home."

"Fine. Did you get Scott's number?"

"Um no. Can you just take me home? My head is pounding." I complain.

She helps me to the car and I get in the passenger seat.

"How much did you have to drink?" I ask as she puts the keys in the ignition.

"One beer. Calm down, mom." She says sarcastically.

The ride is silent and the clock reads 12:31 pm. My parents are gonna kill me.

"Could I crash at your place? My parents will freak if I go home like this." I ask.

"Of course. You don't do this very often, do you?"

"Nope. I've been to one 'high school' party and I had never finished a beer before tonight."

"Woah, seriously?" She asks in disbelief.


Soon, we pull into Lydia's driveway and sneak back into her house as quiet as possible. We successfully make it to her room without being caught. She walks over to her closet and pulls six blankets out and throws them on the floor along with 4 pillows. She makes a comfortable place for us to sleep on the floor and she passes me some pyjamas.

"Thanks, Lydia. I really appreciate this. You've only known me for a day and I feel like we're sisters." I smile.

"Yeah. I do too." She smiles back.

I change in the washroom and come back to find Lydia already passed out. I giggle a little and lie next to her as a wave of exhaustion hits me and then, my eyes shut almost immediately and my thoughts drift off before I fall asleep.


The next morning is no fun. I have a headache and I feel nauseous. I turn over to find that Lydia is already gone. I check the clock and see that it's 8:00. I sigh before realizing that it's Tuesday. I have school! I rush up and yell "Lydia?!" With no response. I unlock my phone and see a few missed calls from my parents and a text from Lydia.

"Morning, sleepyhead. I tried waking you but it was no use. Feel free to wear anything in my closet and there are some mints on the kitchen counter along with my keys. I took the bus so you could drive my car (you're welcome). See you soon! Hopefully."

I find a hairbrush, hair elastic, antiperspirant, makeup and some perfume on Lydia's bathroom counter. I assume she left it out for me, so I get ready using those items and make my way to her closet. I throw on some basic black leggings and a tight fitting long sleeved burgundy shirt. I rush downstairs with my purse and phone and pop a few mints in my mouth before grabbing the keys. 8:25 a.m. I get to school by 8:35 and tell the office that I've arrived before heading to Math. I apologize for being late and find that there's only one seat left and it's beside Scott. I sigh and sit down next to him at the back.

"Hey, Allison." He grins.

"Um, hey." I reply, hoping I don't look too zombie like.

I sink into the seat and tap my pen on my thigh, 100% regretting going to that party.

The odds against us • a Scott and Allison fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now