22 • Forgiveness

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Allison's pov:

I lay in the hospital bed, staring up at the white tile ceiling. I look over to my left to find my dad standing in the door way, smiling at me.

"Hi, dad. How long have you been there?" I laugh.

"Oh, not long. How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. I still feel a little off, and I'm kind of shaken up, but I'm okay."

He takes a seat in the chair next to me and takes my hand into his.

"I support you." He says with no explanation.

"What do you mean?"

"Scott is an amazing young man. I judged him too quickly. I now realize that the main reason I was so upset about your pregnancy was him. I thought he was going to leave you. I was so wrong, and I'm sorry for that. I'm also sorry that I didn't accept the mistake you made. It was a lot to handle, but now I know that the two of you are responsible enough to take care of your child together. Let me say, I'm looking forward to meeting my granddaughter soon."

Tears of joy swell my eyes and I fling my arms around his neck.

"I forgive you. Thank you so much, dad." I whisper.

"My pleasure. Do you want me to send Scott in?" He asks, releasing me.

"Yes please."

Within five minutes, Scott skips into the room with a huge grin plastered across his face, causing me to giggle.

"Someone's happy."

"Oh yes, I am!" He sings, planting a kiss on my cheek.

I scoot over, making room for him beside me on the bed.

"So, did you blackmail my father into liking you?" I joke.

He rolls his eyes and huffs jokingly. "No, I'm just so charming that everyone likes me eventually." He says, pretending to flip his hair.

"I beg to differ."

"Hey! Don't be mean!"

He kisses my forehead delicately and whispers "all jokes aside, I'm really happy you're okay. You had me worried sick."

"You're cute." I smile.

"Not as cute as you."

I snuggle into his chest as he places his hand on my baby bump.

"I can't wait to meet this little girl, you don't even know. Speaking of which, we haven't talked names yet. Anything in mind?" He asks.

"Not really. Nothing has been right yet."

"Well, you'll have plenty of time to think in this hospital bed."

"Ugh, don't even remind me. They said I'm gonna be here for at least two days so they can monitor me and baby girl."

"Well, I'm gonna be here to entertain you as much as possible."


I spoke with all of my family and friends who showed up at the hospital. Lydia and Stiles apologized profusely for adding to my stress, but I reassured them that it wasn't their fault.

Later in the evening, my parents brought everything I need for the next couple days. They offered to stay, but I insisted it was fine. I needed some alone time.

I pulled out my laptop, phone, notebook, and a pen. I called Scott, and opened Google.

"Let the baby name search begin!" He exclaims.

"Baby girl names" I type into the search bar.

"Anna?" Scott asks.

"Hm... It's nice, but it doesn't really feel right."


"I have a cousin named Lily." He laughs.


We go on like this for an hour, writing a few down, but none of them were 100% perfect. Until;

"How about..."

Four days later
Last day of school

Finally... Only a couple more minutes until freedom for two months.

"You ready to get out of here?" Lydia asks.

"Yes! I can't wait to get away from all of the rumours and drama, and just have this baby."

"I can't wait either."

Our conversation is interrupted by the piercing roar of the bell, and students cheering in excitement. Lydia and I strut out of class where we meet up with our boyfriends.

"Ready for our 'oh so' exciting evening filled with photo shoots, TV, and ice cream sundaes?" I ask.

"I'm more than ready." Stiles smiles.

The four of us leave the school and hop in Stiles' Jeep. We make a stop at the grocery store to buy some snacks, before arriving at Lydia's.

We all go to down to the basement with our food, and turn on the newest episode of Grey's Anatomy which Lydia recorded.

"Who would've thought that Scott McCall, and Lydia Martin would be sitting at home watching TV on the last day of school?" Stiles chuckles.

"Well, I've learned that partying isn't everything." Scott snips back.

"Me too." Lydia chimes in.

Author's note:

Sorry it's such a short chapter!

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