4 • Firsts

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Allison's pov:

"What's up with you? You're acting... Odd..." Lydia asks me.

"Huh? I'm not acting odd! Oh my gosh... Let's go to the bathroom!" I exclaim as I spot Scott down the hallway. I grab Lydia's wrist and drag her to the bathroom where she stares at me and sighs.

"Okay, seriously. What is wrong with you today?" Lydia groans.

"Nothing. I just- nothing..." I mutter.

"It's Scott. I knew something was up! You went to his house last night. Oh my gosh! Did you sleep together?!" Lydia exclaims.

"Lydia!! No!" I yell and slap her arm.
"He tried to kiss me and I told him that I never kissed anyone and ran out of the house like an idiot." I sigh, recalling the memory.

"Oh gosh, Allison-"

"Allison! I know you're in there, can we talk?! Please!" Scott yells from outside.

I panic and push Lydia to the door while I hide behind the corner.

"Hi, Scott. Um Allison's not in here." She lies.

I can feel him push by her and she stalls him. "You can get in trouble for this!" She says.

"I don't really care. Allison! Please just let me talk to you." I lock myself in a stall and stand on the toilet seat.

"Fine if you won't come out, I'll ask you to meet me after school in the parking lot. I'm missing the beginning of lacrosse practice, so you'd better be there, Argent." He compromises.

I hear his footsteps fade away and I come out of the stall. Why was he fighting so hard for me? I'm the lame new girl who no one even cares about.

"You should talk to him. He really likes you." Lydia says.

"I'm just not sure if I'm ready for this."

"Allison, we're juniors. It's time." She tells me.


After school, I find Scott waiting patiently for me under a tree by the parking lot. I slowly walk over, debating whether I should make a run for it or not. I sit down next to him without a word and he turns to look at me.

"I don't know if you just don't like me or if you're playing hard to get." Scott says.

"Neither. I just don't want to bring you down with me. You're so cool and popular and attractive and I'm... Me. I've never even kissed anyone, why do you want to be with me?" I ask.

"Allison, first of all, you're gorgeous. Second of all, social statuses don't matter to me. Give it time, when people learn about you, they'll love you. And third of all, I don't care that you've never been in a relationship and honestly, it would be an honour to be your first kiss if that's okay with you."

"That would be more than okay with me." I smile. And then, I'm kissing Scott McCall under a tree with the sun beaming down on us. I couldn't imagine a more perfect first kiss. He pulls away and looks into my eyes, his hand still placed on my cheek.

"Can I kiss you again?" He asks.

"Of course."

It was in that moment that I had decided Scott was all I wanted in a guy and I knew that something would become of this. Something beautiful.

"See you later." He smiles when we pull away. I'm confused for a moment until I remember that we're going to the movies with Stiles and Lydia. I had almost forgot.

"Yeah. Bye, Scott." I reply as he rushes to the back of the school for lacrosse practice. He even risked his title as lacrosse captain for me.


6:57 p.m. - Friday

Scott, Stiles, Lydia and I walk into the half empty theatre and find 4 seats together. I find myself chucking pieces of popcorn at Lydia and she throws some M&M's back at me. We giggle until a lady behind us asks us to stop because it's annoying.

"They're only ads right now." Lydia argues.

"She means that we will gladly stop. Right, Lyds?" I smile.

Lydia rolls her eyes and faces the screen with her arms crossed. As the lights dim and the movie starts, I snuggle into Scott and he puts his arm around me. He makes me feel important and wanted. Before today, Lydia was the only one in this town who made me feel like that.


Weeks later

Scott and I hand in our project with pride. It was some of my best work and it brought him and I together. As we walk out of the classroom, he grabs my hand and whispers "date tonight?".

"Of course. I'll meet you outside my house at 7:00."

"Why won't you let me meet your parents?" He questions.

"We're not even dating yet and my parents are really protective. You'll meet them eventually." I promise.

"Okay. See you at 7:00." He says before heading back down the hall.


7:35 p.m. - Friday

The waitress brings us two chocolate milkshakes and we thank her.

"This place is so cute. We had a place like this in Pennsylvania. It was my favourite place to go after school with my best friend, Lily." I say, admiring the fairly empty diner.

"Do you ever miss your old life?" He asks.

"Yeah, I miss everything about it, but I have you and Lydia here. You guys make me happy." I smile.

He leans over the table and pecks my lips before grabbing my hand.

"Allison, I've been thinking about us. I'd really love it if you would be my girlfriend. You're just so amazing and I want to call you mine."

"Definitely! I can't imagine anything better." I giggle.

"Finally." He sighs in relief.

"Scott, I'm just worried about how people will look at you." I say.

"Allison! Stop worrying, I don't care what people think. I'm gonna defend you and I'm gonna defend us, okay?" He reassures me.

I nod and say "okay. Wow... We're an us."

"Yes, we're an us." He repeats, leaning his nose against mine. Scott McCall- my first kiss. My first boyfriend.

Author's note:

Awwwww scallison! Hope you're enjoying so far!

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