24 • Boy's trip

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Allison's pov:
One year later

I plop onto the white fabric couch, and lift my coffee-filled DisneyLand mug to my mouth. I take a small sip, and lower the drink to my lap, between my hands. I stare out the window of our apartment, and watch as people stroll in and out of Beacon Hills mall across the street. Some people have handfuls of bags, and some are only entering with nothing but a purse or wallet. I'm sure they'll return with something. Most people do.

I hear shouting from the other room, which would only belong to Miss Emma Mae. I place my coffee on the table, and jog into Emma's room, carefully picking her up out of her crib.

"Morning, sleepyhead." I smile, admiring every feature of my daughter's face.

I'm startled by a loud knock at the door, which I'm sure is my mother. I rush to let her in, occasionally sliding on the hardwood floors, but regaining my balance quickly.

"Hi, mom." I greet her, after swinging the door open.

"Grandma!" Emma exclaims, reaching out for her.

My mom laughs, and takes Emma into her arms, bouncing her up and down.

I notice the time and panic a little. "Oh gosh, it's 8:30 already? I better get going!"

"Alright, have fun, sweetheart. See you later."

"Bye, mommy!"

"Bye, Em. Love you."

"Love you too!"

I grab my purse, and car keys and head to work. I had gotten a job at an office downtown about ten months ago, and sometimes my work schedule conflicted with Scott's, so one of my parents came over to watch Emma. Melissa would sometimes watch her too, but with her hours at the hospital, it was uncommon.


I arrive home around five o'clock to find Scott and Emma playing in the living room. I give each of them a kiss, and join their game of twister. After about a half an hour of playing, I start cooking some spaghetti for dinner. I sit at the kitchen table reading a magazine, as I wait for the water to boil. Scott sits across from me and grabs my hand.

"How was your day?" He asks.

"Good, you?"

"Great. Isaac, Ethan, and Aiden surprised me at work today."

I'm quite surprised by the news. "Really? That's nice! How are they?"

"They're good, it was cool to see them."

After high school, Isaac, Stiles, Lydia, and Danny had all gone off to college or University. Stiles and Lydia very luckily both been accepted to NYU, and bought a place together. Isaac was going to school at Arizona state University, and Danny was at Newberry college in South Carolina. Aiden and Ethan, as far as I knew, were taking a year to themselves, to do whatever. We hadn't kept in close touch with anyone but Stiles and Lydia.

"What have they all been up to?" I ask.

"Well, the twins have been travelling around the world. Their goal is to visit every continent at least once. So far, they've been to South America, Asia, and Europe. They're heading to Africa for a boy's trip in a few weeks."

"That's really cool! Sounds fun."

"Yeah, and they... They asked if I wanted to join them. They said that you and Emma could come, if you want. Isaac's going too."

"It's very nice that they offered, but I think Emma's a bit young to travel across the world. She's never been out of California." I go back to reading my magazine, until I realize it's still silent. No more conversation has been made. I look up to find him picking at his cuticles, with disappointment in his eyes. "Y-you're actually thinking about going, aren't you?"

"Yeah... I am. I haven't even been out of this town since junior year. It's just a couple of w-"

"Go, Scott. Go on your boy's trip. I'm not going to tell you that you can't go." I hear the soft sound of water boiling, and I rush over to the stove, and shove the dry pasta noodles into the pot.

"Allison, I-"

"Stop. I don't want to talk about this right now." I say, facing the wall with tears in my eyes.

He walks over, and places his hands on my waist, his lips rested on my cheek. I shrug him off, and storm into the bedroom.

I plop down onto the made bed, and feel my cheeks burn. Through the door, I hear muffled sounds of Emma and Scott's conversation.

"Daddy, is mommy okay?"

"Uh, yeah. She's fine. Sometimes people just need to be alone for a awhile. That's okay. Don't worry about it, Em."

"Okay... Should I draw her a picture to make her feel better?"

"I think she'd like that."

I heard her little footsteps rush across the room, and I began to calm myself down. I didn't want her to burst into the room and find me frustrated.

Allison, why are you so upset? He's going on vacation, that's allowed. Chill out, he's not leaving you.

Soon, I hear a light knock on the door.

"Momma, can I come in?"

"Of course, sweetie."

She enters the room slowly, and holds her picture up proudly. It's the three of us, standing in front of a rainbow with the sun shining down on us.

"Emma, it's beautiful!" I smile, as she places the paper in my hands.

"Will you please come out now? Dinner is almost done."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

I pull her into a hug and kiss her cheek, before putting her drawing on top of my dresser. I follow her into the kitchen, and find dinner waiting for us on the table. Scott pulls out two chairs for us, and he tucks Emma in before kissing my head.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

"I forgive you."

We all eat together, and I decide to tell Emma about Scott's trip.

"So, Em. Dad is going on vacation soon. He's going far away, but he'll be back before you know it. We'll do lots of fun things before he leaves, and until he gets back." I explain.

She's obviously upset, and she grips onto his arm.

"I don't have to go, if you don't want me to." Scott offers.

"No, you can go, daddy. I want you to have fun. I'll be okay here with mommy."

I smile at our daughter's level of caring at such a young age. Scott strokes her hair, while I clear the table. It was going to be a tough couple weeks without him here.

Author's note:

Thank you all for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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