28 • Without you

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Month one

It's been four weeks since he left. I hate to say it, but I'm a mess. I miss the way he used to surprise me with little gifts. I miss our late night cuddles, and the way he calmed me after a stressful day at work. Emma misses him too. She asks for him often, and I just say that he's on a long business trip, and isn't sure when he'll be back. I don't want to tell her the truth.


Mexico is great, but I miss Em and Alli. My mom didn't take the news of my leaving well, and hasn't talked to me much, which is awful. I call her, and she always answers, but her heart isn't in the conversation. She's disappointed in me.

Month two

I've finally gotten myself back together- a little bit. My dad is confused, because Scott promised he'd always be here, and my mom is upset. They've been a big help, though. Melissa came over today, I haven't seen her in months. We went to the park with Emma and talked while I swung her. Melissa says she's sad that Scott left. She didn't think he would, just like I did. She thinks he's just going through a rough time, trying to find himself, and she hopes he'll come to his senses eventually. Lydia told me he's travelling, as he said he would. Her and Stiles have come over a few times, which is nice. All of the extra attention has taken Emma's mind off of her dad's absence, and honestly, it's helped me too.


Now I'm in a tiny town in Italy. It's gorgeous, Allison would really like it here. They have good food, but it's not as good as Allison's. She's such a great cook. I miss her and Emma more and more everyday. I just want to go home, but I can't. The boys have tried to get my mind off it, and they do, but only for a while. I lay in bed, all alone, and the memories come back. Along with the pain I've caused for myself, and everyone else I love. Stiles says that they're all good. My mom, Allison, Emma. He promised to tell me if anything was wrong.

Month five

Christmas is coming up, and Emma's getting worried. She complains that dad should be home by now, and that she doesn't want to celebrate our favourite holiday without him. I tell her that things keep getting pushed back, and that he wants to be here.

On one hand, I want him to come home so I stop lying to Emma, and things can go back to normal, but on the other hand, I don't know if I'd even be able to look at him after what he did.

I started dating again, and I've met a guy named Max. He's really sweet, and we've gone out a couple times. He's a good distraction.


I'm in Tokyo, and it's awesome here. Everything is so high-tech. For this last part of my 7 months of travelling, I've decided not to think about the drama and stress until I get home. I want to enjoy the rest of the trip.

It's my first Christmas without my mom, and it's hard on the both of us. She's spending the holiday with Allison, Allison's parents, Emma, Stiles, Stiles' dad, Lydia and Lydia's mom. I'm jealous because I'm supposed to be there with them, but instead I'm in Tokyo with Aiden and Ethan, not that it's a bad thing, but I just miss my family.

Month seven

Christmas was surprisingly nice. I could feel Scott's absence, though.

I've been "officially" dating Max for a month now, and it's nice to have someone new in my life. When Emma's with my parents, he stays over, and we laugh a lot. Sometimes when I'm with him, I think about Scott, but I'm sure that will go away with time. You know, your first love is different, hardest to let go of.


I arrived back in Beacon Hills today. I finally know what I want. I'm staying in a hotel. In the morning, I'm going to go to my mom's house, then drop something off at Allison's place.


The visit with my mom was interesting. We talked about a lot, and I apologized for everything. She forgave me, but told me I had to talk to Allison, which I agreed with. So, as soon as I was done at my childhood home, I drove to her apartment. I took the elevator up to floor 3, and kept walking until I found apartment number 57. The place I used to call home. It looks the exact same as when I left. I don't know why I thought it wouldn't, it's just front door, but it's odd to look at it and remember so many things about the past. After reminiscing for a few moments, I shake myself back into reality.

I pull my backpack off my back and place it on the floor, crouching down and putting my weight on my knee for support. I unzip the front pocket, and pull out a crisp envelope with "Allison" written on the front, as neatly as possible in blue pen. I slip the note under the door, half of it still sticking out into the hallway. I quickly grab my bag, not bothering to put it over my shoulders, and rush to the elevator, heading back to the parking garage.


I wait all day for a call or text from her. At the end of the letter, I had written "Please contact me. I know what I want now, and I want an actual conversation between the two of us. I hope you can find a way to forgive me, but I understand if you don't. Just, please call."

By midnight, I assume that it's unlikely to hear from her today. Maybe she went out and didn't get the note yet.

The next day, I sit around my hotel room, my phone close by at all times. At 7:00 p.m. I give in.

"I'm just gonna go see her. I can do this."

Her place isn't too far away, so I walk, giving myself a pep talk on the way there.

"It's okay, Scott. It's fine. It's just Allison, she's kind, she's your best friend and soulmate. She won't bite your head off."

Soon enough, I find myself standing in front of apartment 57 once again, but this time, the note is gone, as far as I can tell. I brush my fingers through my hair, ensuring I look presentable, and knock on the door lightly. A few seconds later, I'm shocked to see a tall, shirtless man standing in front of me. He has dirty blonde hair, and a round face. His forest green eyes are staring back at me, and his eyebrows are raised, confused as to who I am, and why I'm here.

"Um, can I help you?" He asks.

And then, I see Allison come around the corner, looking gorgeous as always. She dyed her hair a little lighter than it was before, and it was longer, in beach waves, rather than her signature soft curls. She's wearing a robe, and it's obvious that she's just thrown it on over her bare body. Sadness creeps over my emotions as I realize I've interrupted something that I never thought about her doing with someone else. She's shocked when she sees my face, and she stops in her tracks.


Author's note:

Why do you guys think Allison didn't call Scott? How do you think she's gonna handle him showing up? As always, thanks for reading!

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