3 • Secrets

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Allison's pov:

After school, Lydia drags me to watch lacrosse practice even though I just want to go home and watch Ellen.

"Thanks for letting me use your car this morning." I say as we take our seats on the bleachers.

"No problem."

"Oh crap. I have to call my mom and tell her I'm alive." My comment makes Lydia laugh. I pull out my phone and press her contact name she answers on the first ring.

"Allison Argent, what are you doing?! You didn't come home last night! I was worried sick! I almost called the police." She yells.

"Sorry, mom. I crashed at my new friend's house. She's really nice, her name's Lydia." I explain.

"Just, please tell me you went to school."

"Yes, I went to school." I say, leaving out that I was late.

"Alright then. You better be home by 6:00 tonight then. I'm glad you're safe. I love you."

"love you too. Bye." I say before hanging up.


After lacrosse practice, Scott smiles at me as I'm leaving. I quickly turn my head and walk faster in the other direction, trying to avoid being any more awkward around him than I already am.

"Hey, Allison!" Scott calls. I stop in my tracks before turning around and smiling at him.

"Hey, Scott. You did really well today." I compliment his lacrosse skills.

"Thanks. Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Bye." I say before running to catch up with Lydia who was standing in the parking lot.

"Bye, Allison." She smiles as she opens her car door.

"Bye, Lyds. Wait- can I call you that? It's so natural." I giggle.

"As long as I can call you Alli."

"Deal." I make my way over to my car and tell her I'll return the outfit I borrowed from her tomorrow.


The next day

I pass Lydia her freshly washed clothes and sigh.

"Ew, we have history." I complain.

"At least you'll be with me. Oh, don't forget about lover boy. It's not so bad." She smirks.

"Lover boy?" I furrow my eyebrows, unsure of what she means.

"Scott McCall, duh."

"Lydia, he's not my 'lover boy'. Never will be." I punch her shoulder as we walk down the hallway.

"Please. He uses any excuse to talk to you and I see you grin like a fool when he walks by. You can't trick me."

"Look, I don't know. Guys like that don't fall for girls like me. End of story." I say, taking a seat at the front of the class and Lydia sits beside me.

"Well, I'm a firm believer in the jock falls in love with the somewhat nerdy new girl stereotype. Just wait and see." I roll my eyes and the teacher begins our lesson.


"So, this will be a partner project." He announces.

Everyone cheers and I look over at Lydia who nods to reassure me that she's my partner.

"Not so fast. I'll be pairing you up." He smiles.

Everyone's smiles quickly fade and we sink into our seats. He announces all of our names along with another and then he comes to my group.

The odds against us • a Scott and Allison fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now