23 • The miracle of life

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21 weeks later
Thirty nine weeks pregnant
Allison's pov:

I wake up to feel the worst contractions of my pregnancy. I rush to the bathroom and grip onto the counter as the pain becomes unbearable. I kneel on the ground and shout in agony. My mom comes rushing into the room as my water breaks.

"Chris, it's time!" My mom yells, crouching down to rub my back.

The pain goes down, and I stand back up, holding onto my mom for support. She grabs my hospital bag, which I had luckily already packed. I waddle down the stairs, requiring her help as I struggle. At the door, I slip on my flip flops and a sweater, before calling Scott.

"Mhhhh... Hello?" He groans, obviously half asleep.

"Scott, wake up. The baby's coming!" I exclaim.

"Oh gosh, okay. I'll meet you at the hospital. Hang in there, baby. I love you." He says, hanging up the phone.

I text Lydia, and Stiles and toss my phone on the car seat beside me. It was going to be a long night filled with pain, but it's all going to be worth it.


Scott, Melissa, Stiles, and Lydia all show up in my room within twenty minutes.

A nurse asks me to walk around the hallways, just to get things moving. My contractions continue to get more intense, and more often for hours, until I'm finally ready to push.

Lydia, and my mom hold my hands, and Scott strokes my hair as a doctor tell me to push.

"Big push!" She exclaims.

"And, breath. Good, Allison! Just like that!"

"Push, push push!"

"Aghhhhhhh!" I scream, sweat dripping down my face.

"I can see the head, you're almost there!" She informs me.

"Okay, the head is out. One more!"

And then, I hear crying, and my body relaxes. I cry along with our daughter, happy that she's finally in the world safely.

"It's a girl! Congratulations!" The doctor announces, holding her up.

"Oh my gosh." Scott cries, kissing my forehead and cheeks. "I'm so proud of you."

"She's beautiful." Lydia says in awe.

"She is." I smile.

I look over to my dad who has tears in his eyes.

My mom kisses my hand, and a nurse lets Melissa and Stiles into the room. Another woman passes me my baby, who is wrapped in a a white and yellow blanket, already sleeping soundly.

"Hi, baby." I whisper, as a tear streams down my cheek.

Scott leans over and places his head on my shoulder, his eyes on our daughter.

"Look at her. She's gorgeous." Scott sighs.

"She's gonna be a heartbreaker." Stiles laughs. We all nod in agreement.

"So, what's her name?" Melissa asks.

"Emma Mae Argent-McCall." Scott and I smile in unison.

"That's adorable!" Lydia squeals.

We pass Emma around the room, everyone wanting a chance to hold the little bundle of joy in their arms.

She really is a miracle I think to myself. I never realized how much this moment would mean to me. Although I was exhausted, every tear, and every agonizing push was worth this moment. As I looked back on my pregnancy, and how scared I was, I realize that I had nothing to worry about. Scott isn't going to leave us, and my parents are finally supportive. This was all I ever dreamt of for the past nine months, and it was happening.


About ten months later
Final day of high school

We did it. We all graduated with outstanding marks. I proved everyone wrong by raising a child and going to school successfully. No one, apart from my family and friends, believed I could do it.

I won't lie, it was tough. I spent countless nights, staying up until morning, just to finish an assignment and make sure Emma was alright. Coffee has been my best friend. Luckily, I have Scott, Melissa, and my parents to help out.

Scott got a job as a delivery man at the local pizza place, on top of his lawn mowing service he's been offering around the neighbourhood. He's been saving up to buy us an apartment together, and as soon as summer begins, I'll be looking for a job too.

After the graduation ceremony, Stiles, Lydia, Scott, and I meet up with our families. We greet them all with hugs, and they congratulate us on our accomplishments. Scott won an award for sports, Lydia won for academics (no surprise), and Stiles and I both won for being exceptional leaders and members of the school community.

"Hey, baby!" I exclaim, scooping Emma out of my mom's arms. She giggles a little, squinting her eyes as I kiss her cheeks, and Scott tickles her.

"Picture!" Lydia's mom smiles, holding up her high-tech camera.

The four of us pose for one photo with Emma, and one without. Then, Isaac, Ethan, Aiden, and Danny come sprinting over.

"Come on, did you forget that we exist too?" Aiden smirks.

"Wish we could." Lydia jokes, pushing his arm. He rolls his eyes, and Natalie takes a few candid shots of us.

"Alright, now, big smiles!" She exclaims.

We all pose properly, and then take a goofy picture.

"Wow, I can't believe high school is really over..." I think out loud. I shake my head, and try to hold back tears.

"I know. You guys are all going off to college or university, and we're gonna be stuck in Beacon Hills." Scott sighs.

"Hey, don't say that like its a bad thing. I told you that it was okay if you wanted to go to school. I can handle Emma myself." I remind him. Why would he say that? Did he really think of taking care of our child as a burden?

"No, I- I didn't mean it like that!"

"Uh oh. Trouble in paradise." Isaac announces, causing Lydia to slap his hand. "Ouch."

"You deserved it."

"Whatever, I don't want to argue right now." I state, taking a step away from him.

We say our tearful goodbye's to our best friends, and make our separate ways home.

Author's note:

Sorry for that huge time jump. I didn't really want to drag the story on by writing about their pretty uneventful year. There are probably just going to be a few time jumps until the end of the book. I hope you don't mind! Thanks for reading :)

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