39 • Wedding

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Third person's pov:

The wedding was going to take place in the park, with Isaac officiating, Stiles as best man, and Lydia as maid of honour. Stiles and Lydia had both been offered the task of marrying their best friends, but had declined, which Scott and Allison were okay with, so Isaac was their next option. He accepted the offer with full happiness.

The ceremony was scheduled to start in in two hours, so the bride and groom were separated. Allison in their apartment with Emma and her bridesmaids and family members, and Scott in a hotel with his. Allison wasn't nervous at all. She was more excited for this day than any other day in her years of life. She had been waiting for this since high school, and although it wasn't as she had imagined, it was better. They had a daughter, they were in love- a love that she knew would never be broken again. People wondered how Allison could trust Scott after what he did, but she honestly trusted him more than ever. She knew he was sorry, they were young, and he made a mistake.

Scott on the other hand, was pretty terrified. He worried that deep down, Allison was still upset about him leaving. It was silly, but emotions were running high.

"Is it hot in here?" He panted as he paced around the room, tugging at his collar to loosen it.

"Nope, it's just you." Stiles sighed, watching his friend quickly break down. "Scott, she agreed to marry you. She wouldn't do that if she was still pissed."

"Yeah... yeah you're right." He still continued to hyperventilate, though. Just then, Ethan and Aiden entered the room.

"Yikes, what's wrong with him?" Aiden asked Stiles as they all observed Scott's actions.

"Uh, he's just a bit... nervous."

"That's an understatement."

Ethan passed Scott a glass of water, and forced him to sit down. "Breath."

He took a few deep breaths, and felt a bit better, but still had jolts of anxiety.

"Looks like you could use one of these." Isaac said, entering the room with Danny, and passing Scott a beer.

"Thanks man."

He popped the cap off, and soon became aware of the awkward moment happening behind him.

Ethan and Danny stared at each other, a mix of pain and love in both of their eyes. They'd broken up a few months ago, but insisted that it was okay for both of them to be a part of the wedding.

"I uh- um, hi." Ethan stuttered.

"... hey." Danny replied.

Stiles cleared his throat. "Well then. How about I turn on the baseball game?" He suggested, breaking the silence.

"Please." Isaac begged, plopping onto the bed with his beer.

Soon, all of the boys were scattered around the room in their tuxes, eyes glued on the screen, and a bottle of alcohol in their hands.

There was a knock on the door as a player struck out. Everyone groaned as Scott yelled "come in!"

Melissa appeared in the doorway, her dark hair in bouncy curls, face nicely covered in a light amount of makeup, and she wore a long, pale blue dress. Scott wasn't sure he'd ever seen his mother so dressed up.

He stood up from the chair, and pulled his mom into his arms.

"You look gorgeous." He smiled.

"Thanks, sweetheart." She blushed. Her one and only son, the kindest man on the planet, was getting married, and she couldn't believe it- in a good way. "Please tell me that's your first drink."

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