12 • Catch me

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Stiles' pov:

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window and the smell of pancakes and bacon filling my nose. I stretch, feeling my back crack before rolling over and checking my phone. I read the text message from Lyds and a feeling of panic overcomes the previously calm Sunday morning vibe.

I reply; Are you guys okay?

I get an answer almost immediately; yes don't worry about us. oh and happy sunday. i love you, baby.

I love you too. Call me later.

I lock my phone and get up to brush my teeth. When I return there is yet another text from my favourite strawberry blonde.

please keep scott distracted today. alli's a mess. she can't even answer her phone or he'll know something's up and he will get all protective. you know how he is.

Sure thing. I'm about to invite him over.

I call him and he answers on the second ring.

"Hey, buddy what's up?"

"Come over for some Sunday morning brunch. You know my dad always makes extra." I suggest.

"Sounds good. See you in a few. Oh- have you talked to Allison? She's not answering my texts." He asks.

My heart beats faster as I try to make up an excuse. Luckily, this was one of my many talents.

"I think Lydia mentioned something about taking her out for a spa day. No phones."

"Oh okay cool. See you."


Lydia's pov:

It had been hours since Allison and I woke up. All she had done was sit on her bedroom floor looking like a zombie, still terrified by the possibility of a pregnancy. I had taken a shower, gotten ready, talked to my mom and started my history project. Allison refused to move even an inch.

"Come on, Allison. Just get ready. Your parents have knocked 3 times and I had to make up an excuse. They're gonna know something is up." I whisper.




"Allison Argent, get up!" I yell.

"No! I'm not moving until I get period cramps." She argues.

"Alli. I'm sorry, but that might not happen. Come on, I'll get you ready." I offer.

She remains silent, staring at the same wall she has been all morning. I basically drag her to the washroom and pass her a toothbrush with toothpaste on it.

"You brush your teeth and I'll grab some cereal." I instruct her before heading downstairs to the kitchen where I find her mother.

"Lydia! How's Allison doing?" She asks. I had told her she had a headache and just wanted to be left alone.

"She's good. I'm just grabbing her some cereal if that's okay."

"Of course. There are frosted flakes in that cupboard. You're welcome to have some yourself." She offers, pointing to the corner cabinet. I grab the cereal, two bowls, two spoons and the milk from the fridge and whip up our very basic breakfast.

"Are you sure you girls don't want any pancakes or anything?" She asks.

"No, thank you. Allison's not that hungry, anyway."

The odds against us • a Scott and Allison fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now