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Allison's pov:

The tears rush down my face in waves as I sit on the floor, cross-legged, and wonder what's wrong with me. I mean, there has to be something. Two guys have left me in the time-frame of a couple years.

I look at my phone through clouded vision, and managed to make out the time. 1:36.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groan, as I pull myself up off the floor. Emma's performance starts in exactly 24 minutes, and I'm here sobbing on the floor.

I rush around the apartment to get ready in time. I wipe my makeup off, and apply a very basic layer of foundation, mascara, and a light pink lipstick. I decide to stick with the outfit I'm wearing, in the sake of time, and grab my keys. I pass Max's stuff in the hall, and try my best not to break down right there in the hallway. I take a few deep breaths until I feel calm, and I jog to the parking garage.


After the show, Emma comes skipping over to me, and jumps into my arms.

"Momma!" She exclaims.

"You did so well, baby! I'm very proud of you." I whisper, pecking her cheek.

I place her down and watch as my, now 4 year old daughter spins around, and waves to her friends who are standing across from us with their parents. I put on a fake smile, and follow my daughter's example, waving as well. Out of no where, Lizzie attacks Emma with a hug.

I giggle a little, admiring the two girl's friendship. They reminded me of Lydia and I. "Hi, Lizzie."

"Hi, Allison! Mommy, come here!" She exclaims.

Her mother, Ashley, who's only a couple years older than me comes over to our small group.

"Hi." She grins.


"Mom, can Emma come over for a play date?" Lizzie looks up at her mother with wide, begging eyes.

"Of course she can- as long as Allison's okay with that."

"Please, mommy!" Emma pleads.

"Yes, you can. I have a few things to do, anyway. What time should I pick her up, Ashley?"

The little girl cheer, and jump around in the background of her conversation.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Is is okay if I drop her off around 6:30? I'll make her dinner."

"Are you sure? It's no hassle, your house is only a few minutes away-"

"Don't be silly, I have to drop Lizzie off at her dad's, anyway." She says quietly, her smile dropping into a slight frown. I hadn't even noticed that she wasn't wearing her engagement ring.

"Oh my gosh, is everything alright?"

She sighs, and looks down at the floor. "We decided that it's best to... Take some time for ourselves. We've been together since freshman year, you know? It's just better for the both of us right now to be single."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, Max was cheating on me for weeks, and was planning on running away with her before the wedding. We're done."

The odds against us • a Scott and Allison fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now