14 • Don't look back

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Allison's pov:

It's been 5 days since it felt like the world came crashing down. I learned to handle the fact that this was happening, although I wasn't over the moon. Scott still didn't know, I couldn't bring myself to tell him. Don't even get me started on telling my parents. I don't have any idea when I'll have the courage for that.

It was finally Friday. Time for a weekend full of overthinking in my sweatpants while watching my favourite Disney movies. As I exit school, ready for a couple days of freedom, Scott follows behind, calling my name.

"Allison! Would you just tell me what's going on?" He yells after me.

This goes on for ages, he even continues to my house.

The one day I walk to school. I think to myself.

After about 15 minutes of being questioned, we arrive at my empty house, finally. I get out my house keys and rush into the house, closing the door behind me, before he gets a chance to follow me. About a minute passes and the doorbell rings. I roll my eyes and let him in, walking to the living room in silence as he shuts the door behind him.

I take a seat on the sofa, staring at the floor and he stands in front of me with confusion in his eyes.

"Allison! What did I do? Why have you been ignoring me for the past few days?" He pleads.

"Scott, I'm pregnant." I say bluntly.

A look of utter fear appears on his face, but he quickly hides it behind a sympathetic smile. He sits down beside me and grabs my hand.

"We're gonna be okay. We may be young, but we can do this." He whispers.

I nod and a few tears stream down my cheeks as I rest my head on his chest.

"Y-you want to raise it with me?" I ask.

"Of course. I'm gonna support you and our baby through everything." He smiles.

"Good. I was worried you wouldn't. Oh gosh, I've been freaking out for nothing." She laughs as he wipes away her tears with the back of his hand.

"When did you find out?"

"On Sunday. I missed my period, so Lydia came over and convinced me to check. Obviously, the tests were positive."

"Have you been to the doctor yet?"

"Well, I have to tell my parents first."

"Oh no. They're gonna kill us and hate me even more." Scott cringes.

"I know. I'm sorry, babe. We'll work on it." I promise, kissing his cheek.

Scott convinces me to tell them soon; my symptoms were getting worse and surely they'd figure it out eventually.

So, once Scott leaves and my parents return home, I spend ages planning what I could say.

Oh, hey. Just so you know, my boyfriend, the one you already hate got me pregnant."


After an hour of thinking-and-thinking, I decide it's time. I was prepared for the worst, and I definitely didn't get an overjoyed reaction.

"Mom, there's something you, dad, and I need to talk about." I say nervously.

"Sure, sweetheart. Chris!" My mom calls.

He comes strolling into the room with a mug of coffee and sits across from my mom and I at the island in the kitchen.

"Allison called a family discussion." My mom explains. I hate when she says that.

"Okay, I- uh. There's really no good way to say this. So, you know that accidents happen, and sometimes they seem awful and first but they end up being a good thing. Well, I had an accident. Um, that sounds weird. I just- I'm..."

"Come on, Allison. Say it." My mom whispers, noticing my frequent pauses.

"I'm pregnant." I finally blurt out.

"You're what?!" My mom yells, causing me to flinch.

I look over at my dad who is obviously in shock, staring at the floor.

"What the hell were you thinking?! Did he make you do something you didn't want?" My mom asks, referring to Scott.

"No, mom! Scott would never do that! It just happened, and this wasn't planned, but he's being so supportive."

"That's his plan." My dad finally says.

"Excuse me?" I question.

"Allison, I don't know what's gotten into you. He's being supportive and loving now, but eventually, it'll become real, and he'll leave you all alone with that baby. Is that what you want?"

"Your father's right. You need to get rid of this baby as soon as possible."

"No, you don't get to do this. You don't get to manipulate me into getting an abortion, because I won't! You've manipulated every other decision I've ever made, and I'm sick of it. I've already decided that I am having this baby, and raising it. With- or without, your support."

"You're seventeen, a junior in high school, I won't let you throw your life away because of this." My mom says.

"You'll be bullied, you won't have time to go to college, you won't have a good job, and you'll probably be held back. You're not having the baby, end of story."

"Just shut up! Both of you! It's my body, my decision. I'm having this baby!" I scream before sprinting upstairs and throwing as many clothes and important items into a bag as I possibly can. Once over half of my closet is empty and all of my toiletries are packed, I rush back downstairs, running around my parents and make my way to my car. I pull out of the driveway, without bothering to look back at the house I currently hated with all of the hate in my body. At first, I don't know where I'm going, but then I decide. I'm going to the person I feel safest with. Scott.


Author's note:

So, Allison's parents are definitely not happy about the situation. How do you think Melissa and their friends will react?

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