35 • Anything

955 29 3

Allison's pov:

Early in the morning, I had dropped Emma off at my parent's house for the day, since I was going hiking with Scott.

Why did I agree to this? I think to myself as I stare into my closet.

I change out of my pyjamas, and into a pair of multicolour athletic pants, with a black skin-tight tank top. I throw my hair into a clean ponytail, and skip the makeup.

At 11:58, I hear a knock on the door, and I rush over to answer it. I swing the door open and find Scott, as expected, wearing basketball shorts and a T-shirt.

"Hey." I smile.


"Let me just grab a water bottle and stuff. Come on in."

He steps into the apartment, shutting the door behind him, and he looks around as I fill my purple water bottle with ice and cold water.

"Where'd the sound-system go?" He asks.

"Uh..." It was Max's. I wasn't ready to tell Scott, so I have to think of a lie. "It's being repaired. Stupid thing's always breaking."

"Oh, next time you should just get me to do it. I'll do it for free." He offers.

"I didn't know you knew how to. Thanks."

I pull my black Nike running shoes out of the closet, and slip them on, tying the laces as Scott asks "Max isn't home?"

"Nope. He got called into work, even though it's Saturday. Something important, I guess." Another lie. "And Emma's with my parents." That was true.

"Oh, great. Shall we get going?"



The two of us walk side-by-side, up the dirt path on the hill. I was already sweating as the afternoon sun hit my body.

"So, how was your date last night?" I ask.

"It was okay. She's really nice, but we didn't really click."


"Hey, would you mind if I had a sip of water? I'm a moron, so I left my on the kitchen counter at my place." He requests. He must notice the shock on my face, because he quickly jokes "don't worry, I won't put my mouth on it."

We both chuckle a little. I pass him the bottle, my left hand still wrapped around it. I realize that his smile has turned into a puzzled look, and I'm just as confused as he is for a moment, until I remember taking my engagement ring off. As soon as the water is in his hands, I slip mine away, hiding it under my right palm.

After about 45 minutes of speed-walking through the California heat, we stop at the top of the hill, looking down over the town.

"I forgot how pretty it was up here." I sigh, admiring the view.

"Yeah, we used to come up here a lot in our high school days, didn't we?"

"Yeah, we did."


Stiles, Lydia, Scott and I all satin the same spot, looking over the town the night before graduation.

"I can't believe this is all gonna be over tomorrow." I whispered, snuggling up to Scott.

"Stop it, Alli. I'm gonna cry for like the fifth time today." Lydia replied, grabbing onto my hand.

The odds against us • a Scott and Allison fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now