27 • Voicemail

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Scott's pov:

The next morning, I'm awoken by Lydia, who's making herself a cup of coffee in the kitchen. I stretch out on the couch before making my way over to her. When she hears my footsteps, she glares at me over her shoulder without a word.

"Lydia, I'm sorry I'm such an idiot. I just... need some time for myself, okay? If Allison needed that, I'd let her have it."

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't get all up in your business, I was worried about Alli, that's all. You're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like." She smiles slightly.

"Thanks, Lyds. Well, I'm gonna get out of your hair for a bit, head to a travel agency or something." I laugh, heading over to the door where I slip on my worn black converse.

"Okay, see you later. No coffee?"

"No thanks, I'm good. I was living on that stuff the whole drive here."

She giggles a little and watches as I exit the apartment, with only my phone and wallet. I unlock my black Volkswagon, which my mom had helped pay for, but I got all the money back to her within months, and plop into the driver's seat. I drive down the crowded streets of New York City, with no idea of where I'm really going. I decide to drive around aimlessly, until I'm finally out of the city. I wasn't used to all the traffic, there was never anyone in Beacon Hills to get in your way. I turn the radio up, tapping my thumbs on the steering wheel to the beat of the music, until I hear a ringing from my phone. I find a spot to pull over, but the sound has faded, and I feel a buzz in my pocket, signifying that I have a voicemail.

Missed call from: Allison

One (1) new voicemail

I sigh, my hands beginning to shake in anxiety. I swipe the screen, and type in my password.


11 was my lacrosse number in high school, and it always remained my favourite. I press the phone icon, and instantly go to voicemail.

"You have one unheard message. To check unheard messages press 1." The robotic voice instructs me.

I do as told, and lift the phone back to my ear, when I hear the muffled sound of Allison's voice.

"I... I don't even know why I'm calling. Of course you wouldn't answer, you're probably out with some new girl. You know, I never thought you'd leave, because of your father. After everything he put you through, I didn't think that you'd do that to Emma, but you did. You are just like your father, Scott. I hope you realize that. Don't come back, please. Have a good life without your daughter." She said, obviously crying.

"You are just like your father, Scott." That sentence hurt me more than I could ever imagine. To know that I am compared to the one person who broke my heart is the most terrible feeling in the world. I let my family down, but I couldn't just go back now. Allison clearly stated that I'm not wanted.


I leave the travel agency with three trips planned for the next 6-7 months.

1. Leave for Cancun, Mexico in a week for one month with Isaac and the twins

2. Two weeks later, leave for Rome, and have a road trip around other parts of Europe with Isaac, Danny, Ethan, and Aiden for 8 weeks

3. Three and a half weeks later, leave for a trip around Asia for 9 weeks with the twins

Then, I come home and figure out what to do next. After these trips, I'm gonna press pause on travelling for a while. I didn't think about how expensive it is. Maybe I'd visit Allison when I got back, or maybe that wouldn't be the best idea. I could move somewhere and get a job, or go to school. I guess we'll just see what the future holds.

Author's note:

Sorry this chapter is so short! I have the next part planned, but it didn't fit in with this chapter, so that's why it's kinda boring. Thanks for reading!

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