16 • Tension

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Allison's pov:

Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Danny, Ethan, Aidan, Isaac, and I all sit under the big Oak tree after school.

"So what did you want to talk to us about?" Isaac asks casually, staring at his phone and typing vigorously. Probably talking to some girl he was flirting with.

The only ones in the circle that knew about the baby so far were Scott, Lydia, and obviously, myself.

"Well, it's actually pretty surprising. I just don't want you guys to freak out, and leave me- us." I begin.

"We'd never leave, Alli. Just tell us what's going on." Danny smiles.

"I um... Found out that I'm pregnant a few days ago." I mumble.

"You.. You what?" Isaac stutters, dropping his phone onto the grass in shock.

"I took a couple pregnancy tests from the store- good ones and they were all positive. Scott and Lydia already knew." I explain.

Everyone is silent, unsure of what to say.

"So, what's your plan?" Ethan asks.

"I'm keeping the baby. Scott and I are gonna raise it together. That's basically all we have planned for now." I laugh awkwardly, grabbing Scott's hand.

I look over to Stiles who is staring at the ground, oddly enough, not saying anything at all.

"Stiles? Please say something." Scott pleads.

He looks up, his cheeks red, and his jaw clenched.

"You didn't think that I would want to know that my best friend is having a baby at the age of sixteen?! I ran around for you, Allison, trying to make sure Scott didn't suspect anything and you promised you'd tell me. I didn't expect to be told like a week later with everyone else!" He yells. People passing by begin to stare at the sound of "having a baby at the age of sixteen".

"Stiles, can you keep it down?" Lydia shouts, making him more upset.

"No, I won't 'keep it down'! My best friends is having a baby. What the hell?! You know, there's something called protection, you should try it sometime!"

"Stiles!" Lydia screams in embarrassment of her boyfriend's behaviour.

"You don't know anything, Stiles. Out of all people, I thought you would be the one to support us! Oh and by the way, protection doesn't always work. You'd know that if you were mature and payed attention in health class!" Scott argues, getting in his face.

"Calm down." I whisper to Scott, trying to tug him back by his shirt.

"Why should I be supportive?! This is insane! You're barely gonna graduate without a baby to raise!"

"Screw you!" Scott yells before slapping him, causing Stiles to shriek in pain.

"You're an asshole!" Stiles growls, holding his cheek.

No one moves an inch, nor says a word. Scott stands up in fury and stomps off to his car, leaving the rest of us staring back at one another.

"You know, Stiles, you're supposed to support the people you love. We're done." Lydia whispers loudly.

She walks away and I follow, wanting to be away from that tension filled group.

"I'm so sorry. He just doesn't get it." Lydia says, a tear streaming down her face.

"Hey, don't you dare apologize for him. If he wants to be a crappy person, that's his choice." I say, placing my hand on her shoulder.

Lydia nods and stops at her car before giving me a hug. We remain in each other's arms for a while, our heavy breathing becoming evident to one another.


I arrive at the McCall house, thanks to Lydia's offer to drive me, and find my parents on the front porch of the house arguing with Melissa and Scott.

"Allison, what's happening?" Lydia asks, getting out of the car.

"This is what she needed!" I over hear Scott yell.

"She's seventeen. She doesn't know what she needs!" My dad yells back.

I rush over and pull my dad's shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I shout.

"Excuse me? You ran away! You expected me to let you be somewhere without letting us know? Especially with the guy who got you pregnant and his irresponsible mother!"

"I'll have you know, I'm an amazing mother! I didn't try to convince my son to get rid of his baby." Melissa says, offended by my father's comment.

"This is ridiculous! They're children! You basically kidnapped my daughter!" My mom argues.

"I d-"

"Everybody shut up!" I scream.

Everyone goes silent and stares back at me.

"It was my decision to stay here. Mom, dad, I don't feel comfortable staying at our house right now. I don't even feel comfortable being around you. Please don't blame Scott and Melissa. Blame yourselves for not accepting your daughter for a mistake she made. I understand that you're not happy, but you don't get to make my decisions for me."

"Allison, we're going home." My mom says.

"No, we're not. You are."

"Allison Argent. Let's go, now."

After what felt like hours of arguing, my parents drag me to the car, without allowing me to say goodbye.

I spent the evening locked in my room, silent. My parents tried to come in, but I slammed the door in their faces.

I had always thought my parents would support me, no matter what. That was so far from the truth.


Author's note:

Sorry for the short chapter! Do you think Stiles had the right to get so upset about the pregnancy? Thanks for reading <3

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