5 • The fight

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Scott's pov:

"McCall's got a girl?!" Jackson exclaims after I tell him the news.

"Who is it?" Stiles questions, poking my shoulder.

"Allison Argent." I smile at the sound of her name.

"Who?" Aiden asks.

"Wait, wait, wait. It's familiar. Oh, the new girl?" Stiles asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

I nod and Jackson gives me a weird look. "Scott, what are you doing? No one's ever heard of this girl. Your- our reputation is gonna-" he's cut off by Allison yelling my name a few feet away.

Jackson rolls his eyes and I give him a nasty glare before rushing over and pecking her cheek.

"They don't like me already." She worries, noticing my friends' confused looks.

"Don't be ridiculous. They're just surprised since I don't date very much. Join us at lunch, Lydia can come too." I offer.

"Sure, I guess. See you later." She grins.

I hug her before heading back over to my friends. "You did not..." Jackson mumbles referring to Allison sitting with us at lunch.

"Oh but I did and you're going to talk to her and realize how great she is. Just wait." I smirk. "Don't get any ideas, though. She's mine." I add.

"Is she a virgin? If she is, you might take away her v-card!" Jackson exclaims.

"Perv." Stiles mutters.

"You're getting on my last nerve. She's the closest thing I've ever found to perfect." I argue.

"Yikes you sound like a girl. See you later, McCall." He says, patting me on the back before leaving the group.

"Asshole." I whisper, mostly to myself.


I spot Allison and Lydia standing at the door of the cafeteria and I wave my hand, signalling for them to come over. As they approach us, Allison seems uncomfortable. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her cheek, trying to calm her down before introducing her to everyone.

"Guys, this is my girl, Allison." I smile.

"Hi everyone." She waves and I spot Jackson pretending to puke out of the corner of my eye. Behind Allison, I scowl at him before sitting down.

"And of course, you all know Lydia." I say.

"Unfortunately." Jackson mumbles under his breath.

"Screw you, Jackson. Trust me, I don't want to be sitting with you either." Lydia snips.

There is an awkward silence until Danny starts a conversation with Allison and Stiles begins talking to his long time crush, Lydia. Jackson sits with his arms crossed, silent the entire time apart from the odd whisper to Aiden. After lunch, I kiss Allison goodbye and watch as she turns the corner in the hallway with Lydia, leaving my sight. I turn around to find Jackson rolling his eyes once again.

"What the hell, Jackson? Why can't you just accept that I'm with her?! I'm happy!" I yell before shoving him, making him lose his balance.

"McCall, I'm looking out for you! She's not good for any of us!"

"No, she's not good for YOU which shouldn't be an issue because you're not even dating her! All you care about is popularity, it's ridiculous! Allison is amazing, she's ten times the person you will EVER be! You don't give anyone a chance! You use people until they don't serve a purpose to you anymore. As soon as you got what you needed from Lydia, you threw her to the curb just like you do with everyone! At this point, I'm not even sure if you have a heart!" I scream. At this point, the hallway has gone dead silent and all eyes are on us.

"You wanna say that again?" Jackson asks, coming close to my face so I could see every tiny mark on his skin which was bright red in anger.

"If you insist. You use people and you're heartless. Don't ev-" I'm cut off by Jackson throwing me to the floor and punching me multiple times in the face. I manage to roll over and gain control over him and I punch back. We go on like this for a few moments until we are interrupted by the Principal yelling at us before pulling us onto our feet and separating us.

"McCall, Whittemore, to my office. NOW!" He yells. "Everyone else, go to class!" He adds. I hadn't been aware of how many people were watching until now. I hold my hand to my cheek which I know is bleeding. My jaw aches and my back hurts from landing on the concrete floor

I spot Allison looking at me in disappointment. I mouth 'I'm sorry', but she turns away before she can catch it. Jackson glares at me before we make our way to the office.

"Take a seat." Principal Dixon demands. Jackson and I sit side by side in two black faux leather chairs across from his desk.

"What is going on?" He asks.

"Uh well, I have a girlfriend who makes me really happy. She's not the most popular girl in the school and Jackson can't accept that, so I confronted him and he decided to throw me to the ground-"

"Excuse me, I threw you to the ground after you told me I was heartless." Jackson scoffs.

"Mr. Whittemore, you can state your opinion after Scott. Scott, continue, please." Mr. Dixon says.

"If I had gotten the chance to finish, Jackson would know that I was going to say that I may not have handled it correctly, but I'm upset. This girl means the world to me and he sits there and pretends that she is going to ruin his reputation when he's the only one who can do that."

"Jackson." He says, signalling that it's his turn to speak.

"Scott and Allison make stupid kissy faces at each other all the time and I don't think he realizes how toxic she is to him. Things aren't going to end well for Scott and I'm looking out for him. He also said some things that made me angry so I punched him. I don't regret it either." Jackson scoffs.

"Oh please. I put up with your different girls every single week. You don't see me rolling my eyes. You and Lydia used to make out in front of all of us!" I shout in my defence.

"Oh really-"

"Boys! Stop! I want you both to stay away from each other for at least one week. Don't you dare go anywhere near each other or you will both be suspended. Understood?" Mr. Dixon asks.

"Understood." Jackson huffs.


We left the room without a word and I made my way to the washroom where I washed the cut along my cheek. I strolled into the hallway only to find Allison waiting for me.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply.

"What were you thinking?" She sighs.

"I'm sorry, Allison. Jackson is an idiot and I couldn't stand it. He threw the first punch."

"Whatever, I have to go." She says before stomping off.

Author's note:

Sorry it took a couple days for an update. I'm hoping to update a bit this weekend because I have Friday off, so lots of time to write! Thank you for the positive feedback and I hope you're enjoying the story. Things are only gonna get more intense from here 😈

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