19 • Panic

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Allison's pov:

Stiles, Scott, Lydia, and I all sit at our usual spot in the cafeteria. Scott and I had forgiven Stiles, but Lydia was still upset about everything, and refused to talk to him.

"Come on, Lyds. I just want to talk." Stiles pleads.

Lydia crosses her arms, and turns away.

"Don't call me Lyds." She huffs.

"Okay, Lydia. Please just let me talk to you!"

"No, thank you. I'm not interested in whatever you have to say. I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who flips out when they don't know something right away. Or someone who doesn't support their best friends..."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong! I support them now! With my whole heart. And I'll support you, if you let me."

"Well, I'm not letting you, so move on. Please."

"You know-"

"No, I don't know, and I don't care! You hurt m-"

"Lydia, stop it! I'm sorry, jeez!"

"No that's not-"

"Both of you shut up!" I shout. "You're stressing me out."

"Sorry." Lydia whispers, standing up and storming out of the room.

"You guys are ridiculous." Scott says.

"No, she's ridiculous. You'd think I killed her dog or something."

"I'm leaving." I state, heading to the bathroom where I find Lydia, reapplying her lipstick.

"Sorry about what just happened." She mumbles.

"It's fine. Stress is just bad for... The baby." I whisper, thinking that no one was listening.

"Baby?" A familiar blonde girl exclaims, coming out from around the corner. Her name was Moxie, she was in a few of my classes.

"I... Uh... My aunt is having a baby... And, um.... Lydia is coming over tonight and I didn't want her to stress my aunt." I stutter. Great job, Allison. Totally believable.

"Do you think I'm stupid? You've been putting on weight, and wearing baggy sweaters for the past month. I can tell you're trying to keep your weight down, but you can't hide a baby bump for long." Moxie explains.

"How about we just keep this to ourselves?" Lydia suggests.

"What's in it for me?"

"Um... How about I drive you to school until your car gets fixed. I know you got into a little accident a couple days ago." Lydia offers.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear. You're having a baby?" A sophomore asks, coming out of a stall.

"I... I..."

"Save yourself the humiliation of finding an excuse. By tomorrow, everyone will know your little secret. Thanks for the offer, Lydia, but that's simply a rumour. My car is fine. Unfortunately for you, this baby isn't a rumour." She smirks. "Have a good day, you two. Or should I say three?"

As soon as she leaves, I break down. My breathing becomes heavy and tears swell my eyes. I lean against a wall and sink down to the filthy tile floor.

"Hey, it's okay. Moxie's just trying to scare you, you're gonna be fine, you hear me? Calm down, deep breaths." Lydia whispers, crouching down by my side.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" The sophomore asks, drying her hands with paper towel.

"She's fine. Would you mind standing in front of the door and directing people to the other washroom, please? I'll drive you to school for a week." That was Lydia's go-to bribe.

"Really?! Sure!" She smiles, heading to the hallway.

Lydia turns her attention back to me, as I sob and every part of my body begins to shake.

"Shhhh, you're okay. Everything is fine."

"No it's not! Everyone is gonna find out, and I... I don't know what to do."

"You should go home, Alli. You can't handle this stress right now. Go take a bath and get in your pyjamas."

My breathing becomes quick and choppy, and my heart races. A panic attack. I haven't had one since 8th grade.

"Oh gosh, okay. Think happy thoughts. Think about Scott... No, don't. Ummmm, think about your favourite place to go on vacation, Florida. Think about the sun, and the sand, and the water, and how you're gonna take me there one day because you promised. Imagine how much fun we're gonna have."

Eventually, I calm myself down and pretend that I'm sitting on the beach.

Lydia let's out a sigh of relief and laughs. "I would've kissed you, but you're not Stiles." As soon as she says it, she looks away and smacks her head.

"Maybe you should just talk to him. Scott and I have forgiven him, you can too." I say, pushing myself up against the wall.

"Okay, I will, as long as you go home." She reasons.


I wrap her into a hug before we leave the bathroom, to find the girl still standing by the door.

"Thank you so much. I didn't catch your name." Lydia smiles.

"Oh, no problem. I'm Lucy."

"I'm Lydia."

"Oh, I know." She laughs. "Now you think I'm weird, that's great."

"No I don't. Here's my number, text me later." Lydia says, writing on a sticky note and passing it to the short brunette.

"Thanks. Talk later. Oh, and Allison? I don't judge you for what I heard in there. You're really strong."

"Thank you."

Lydia walks me to the office, where I tell them I'm feeling feverish and need to go home.

When I arrive at home, I do as Lydia told me. I take a warm bubble bath and listen to relaxing music before putting some comfy clothes on and turning on my favourite show, Friends.

*beep* iMessage from Scott

I unlock my phone and read his text.

"Hey, baby. You okay? Lydia told me you left, but wouldn't tell me why. Said you should be the one to tell me."

"I'm okay now. Someone found out about the baby and said she's going to tell everyone. I panicked, but Lydia calmed me down, and told me to go home. On the bright side, she's going to talk to Stiles."

"Who found out?"

"Moxie. Blonde, hazel eyes. Mean girl. I'm sure you know her."

"If she says one word, I swear."

"Scott, please don't. I'm okay."

"Can we meet somewhere later?"

"Sure. Meet me at the mall around 5. I need new shoes haha."

"Alright. See you then. Text me if you need anything."

"I will, bye."


Author's note:

Uh oh. Do you think Moxie's really gonna tell, or was she trying to scare Allison? Thanks for reading!

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